KNN with sklearn - Lab


In this lab, we'll learn how to use sklearn's implementation of a KNN classifier on some real world datasets!


You will be able to:

  • Use KNN to make classification predictions on a real-world dataset
  • Perform a parameter search for 'k' to optimize model performance
  • Evaluate model performance and interpret results

Getting Started

In this lab, we'll make use of sklearn's implementation of the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm. We'll use it to make predictions on the Titanic dataset.

We'll start by importing the dataset, and then deal with preprocessing steps such as removing unnecessary columns and normalizing our dataset.

You'll find the titanic dataset stored in the titanic.csv file. In the cell below:

  • Import pandas and set the standard alias.
  • Read in the data from titanic.csv and store it in a pandas DataFrame.
  • Print the head of the DataFrame to ensure everything loaded correctly.

Great! Now, we'll preprocess our data to get it ready for use with a KNN classifier.

Preprocessing Our Data

This stage should be pretty familiar to you by now. Although it's not the fun part of machine learning, it's good practice to get used to it. Although it isn't as fun or exciting as training machine learning algorithms, it's a very large, very important part of the Data Science Process. As a Data Scientist, you'll often spend the majority of your time wrangling and preprocessing, just to get it ready for use with supervised learning algorithms.

Since you've done this before, you should be able to do this quite well yourself without much hand holding by now.

In the cells below, complete the following steps:

  1. Remove unnecessary columns (PassengerId, Name, Ticket, and Cabin).
  2. Convert Sex to a binary encoding, where female is 0 and male is 1.
  3. Detect and deal with any null values in the dataset.
    • For Age, replace null values with the median age for the dataset.
    • For Embarked, drop the rows that contain null values
  4. One-Hot Encode categorical columns such as Embarked.
  5. Store our target column, Survived, in a separate variable and remove it from the DataFrame.

Normalizing Our Data

Good job preprocessing our data! This can seem tedious, but its a very important foundational skill in any Data Science toolbox. The final step we we'll take in our preprocessing efforts is to Normalize our data. Recall that normalization (also sometimes called Standardization or Scaling) means making sure that all of our data is represented at the same scale. The most common way to do this is to convert all numerical values to z-scores.

Since KNN is a distance-based classifier, data on different scales and negatively affect the results of our model! Predictors on much larger scales will overwhelm data with much smaller scales, because euclidean distance is going to treat them as the same.

To scale our data, we'll make use of the StandardScaler object found inside the sklearn.preprocessing module.

In the cell below:

  • Import and instantiate a StandardScaler object.
  • Use the scaler's .fit_transform() method to create a scaled version of our dataset.
  • The result returned by the fit_transform call will be a numpy array, not a pandas DataFrame. Create a new pandas DataFrame out of this object called scaled_df. To set the column names back to their original state, set the columns parameter to one_hot_df.columns.
  • Print out the head of scaled_df to ensure everything worked correctly.
# Dont forget to import!

scaler = None
scaled_data = None

scaled_df = None

You may have noticed that the scaler also scaled our binary/one-hot encoded columns, too! Although it doesn't look as pretty, this has no negative effect on our model. Each 1 and 0 have been replaced with corresponding decimal values, but each binary column still only contains 2 values, meaning the overall information content of each column has not changed.

Creating Training and Testing Sets

Now that we've preprocessed our data, the only step remaining is to split our data into training and testing sets.

In the cell below:

  • Import train_test_split from the sklearn.model_selection module
  • Use train_test_split to split our data into training and testing sets, with a test_size of 0.25.

Creating and Fitting our KNN Model

Now that we've preprocessed our data successfully, it's time for the fun stuff--let's create a KNN classifier and use it to make predictions on our dataset! Since you've got some experience on this part from when we built our own model, we won't hold your hand through section.

In the cells below:

  • Import KNeighborsClassifier from the sklearn.neighbors module.
  • Instantiate a classifier. For now, we'll just use the default parameters.
  • Fit the classifier to our training data/labels
  • Use the classifier to generate predictions on our testing data. Store these predictions inside the variable test_preds.

Now, in the cells below, import all the necessary evaluation metrics from sklearn.metrics abd then complete the following print_metrics() function so that it prints out Precision, Recall, Accuracy, and F1-Score when given a set of labels and preds.

Then, use it to print out the evaluation metrics for our test predictions stored in test_preds, and the corresponding labels in y_test.

def print_metrics(labels, preds):
    print("Precision Score: {}".format(None))
    print("Recall Score: {}".format(None))
    print("Accuracy Score: {}".format(None))
    print("F1 Score: {}".format(None))
print_metrics(y_test, test_preds)

QUESTION: Interpret each of the metrics above, and explain what they tell us about our model's capabilities. If you had to pick one score to best describe the performance of the model, which would you choose? Explain your answer.

Write your answer below this line:

Improving Model Performance

Our overall model results are better than random chance, but not by a large margin. For the remainder of this notebook, we'll focus on improving model performance. This is also a big part of the Data Science Process--your first fit is almost never your best. Modeling is an iterative process, meaning that we should make small incremental changes to our model and use our intuition to see if we can improve the overall performance.

First, we'll start off by trying to find the optimal number of neighbors to use for our classifier. To do this, we'll write a quick function that iterates over multiple values of k and finds the one that returns the best overall performance.

In the cell below, complete the find_best_k() function. This function should:

  • take in six parameters:
    • X_train, y_train, X_test, and y_test
    • min_k and max_k. Set these to 1 and 25, by default
  • Create two variables, best_k and best_score
  • Iterate through every odd number between min_k and max_k + 1.
  • For each iteration:
    • Create a new KNN classifier, and set the n_neighbors parameter to the current value for k, as determined by our loop.
    • Fit this classifier to the training data.
    • Generate predictions for X_test using the fitted classifier.
    • Calculate the F1-score for these predictions.
    • Compare this F1-score to best_score. If better, update best_score and best_k.
  • Once it has checked every value for k, print out the best value for k and the F1-score it achieved.
def find_best_k(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, min_k=1, max_k=25):
find_best_k(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)
# Expected Output:

# Best Value for k: 3
# F1-Score: 0.6444444444444444

We improved our model performance by over 4 percent just by finding an optimal value for k. Good job! There are other parameters in the model that you can also tune. In a later section, we'll cover how we can automate the parameter search process using a technique called Grid Search. For, try playing around with the different options for parameters, and seeing how it affects model performance. For a full list of model parameters, see the sklearn documentation !

(Optional) Level Up: Iterating on the Data

As an optional (but recommended!) exercise, think about the decisions we made during the preprocessing steps that could have affected our overall model performance. For instance, we replaced missing age values with the column median. Could this have affected ourn overall performance? How might the model have fared if we had just dropped those rows, instead of using the column median? What if we reduced dimensionality by ignoring some less important columns altogether?

In the cells below, revisit your preprocessing stage and see if you can improve the overall results of the classifier by doing things differently. Perhaps you should consider dropping certain columns, or dealing with null values differently, or even using a different sort of scaling (or none at all!). Try a few different iterations on the preprocessing and see how it affects the overall performance of the model. The find_best_k function handles all of the fitting--use this to iterate quickly as you try different strategies for dealing with data preprocessing!


Good job! This concludes today's section!