Please stop your anti virus before running project,as it may result in crash. execute E-CommerceSite.exe to run project. different exe are different frames(parts) of the project which will be called by E-CommerceSite.exe when needed. Requirement to Run the code: 1.location of project folder csProject should be in D derive.(D:/csProject/E-CommerceSite.exe). (if location not matched it may result in loss of images in some frames). 2. OS:Windows 3. need to put folloowing libraries into linker settings of your IDE, to inform compiler about them. > -user32.lib > -lgdi32 > D:\Programs\ming\mingw64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libcomdlg32.a (path may differ according to your mingw location) 4. it uses 3 user define header file which should be in same folder of source code. 5. windows.h is included so it will be supported on windows based machine only. ******************************************************************************* Console_version.exe is simple console form of this whole project, it don't require any additional features.:-).