This project setups latest Spirit with Python 3.8 and PostgreSQL on heroku.
To deploy the app, click the above deploy button.
Although Spirit requires a SMTP provider in order to send emails (ie: user activation, password reset, etc), it's possible to try this out without one.
Heroku has many addons but you can also use Gmail's SMTP (it has a daily limit, though) or something like postmark.
It's not possible to make persistent changes to the filesystem of a (Dyno) Heroku instance. This means it's not possible to upload files or build the (Whoosh) search index.
There are ways to overcome this: images can be uploaded to AWS S3 (there are many Django apps out there for this) and instead of Whoosh use elastic-search.
Or don't use Heroku ;)
First install Heroku CLI tool, then clone this repo and associate it to the heroku repo:
$ git clone
$ cd spirit-heroku
$ heroku git:remote -a my-app-name
Then make the desire changes to the files and deploy it:
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "my changes"
$ git push heroku master
If you haven't yet, clone this repo and associate it to the heroku repo:
$ git clone
$ cd spirit-heroku
$ heroku git:remote -a my-app-name
Then run the following command to show the error log:
$ heroku logs --tail