
Showcases how Corda could benefit from adopting a DI Container and and events framework.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Dependency Injection Container Spike

This project is a showcase of how Corda could benefit from a Dependency Injection container and an events framework.

What's shown

A Dependency Injection container (Spring Boot) is used to:

  • Find and inject types inside the same Corda module.
  • Read application properties in a cascading fashion.
  • Find and inject types from a module's dependencies.
  • Find and inject types from JARs in a specified folder, providing or overriding behaviour and thus enabling a plugin-based architecture.
  • Find and inject types within a Cordapp module (thus allowing initiated flows to be passed customer defined types through the constructor).
  • Make instances of interfaces implemented in Corda available to initiated flows defined in Cordapps (this means the API will never break because of added functionality, without the need to bundle things together).

An events framework, based on Project Reactor, is used to:

  • Allow decoupled reactive behaviour across modules.
  • Showcase a stubbed auditing service filtering all application events based on an inclusion list, with customized behaviour for each event type of interest.
  • Dynamically load / unload Cordapps, with the potential to avoid restarting nodes when changes are necessary.

Notes and remarks

With regards to what stated above, some remarks:

  • Most modules, including all Cordapps, only depend on javax.inject and JSR 250, meaning they're completely Spring-agnostic.
  • Any Dependency Injection container compatible with javax.inject, JSR 250 and package scanning will work.
  • The file-based-cordapps-loader is able to load multiple versions of the same Cordapp at the same time, with complete classloading isolation.

How to run it

  • Run ./gradlew clean build -x test from within the project directory.
  • (The first time and each time there are changes to Gradle files) refresh the Gradle project in Intellij.
  • Run/Debug NodeStarter.kt and watch the console. Then open Node and follow the code.
  • (After changes to plugins or Cordapps) start again from point 1.

Each time the Gradle settings change, Intellij will refresh the project if set on auto-import. The "plugins" and "cordapps" folders can be empty or incomplete at that time, so the first time or anytime after you changed the Gradle setup, refresh the Gradle project after a clean build.

Project modules structure


The active part of the Corda platform. It defines the entry point and, when run, it wires and starts the node.


This module defines types used by the node to do certain operations. It is imported by the adapters.


This module defines types similar to those in Corda, which are available for Cordapps.


This module defines types that are common to most modules. Ideally this should be replaced by a collection of domain modules, but for the sake of the exercise a common set works fine.


This module provides a Cordapps resolution mechanism based on the file system. It is used at runtime by node.


This module provides a no-op flows registry implementation that simply logs new bindings. It produces a JAR plugin that node can use.


This module defines an initiating flow, QueryClusterAverageTemperature, along with a domain model.


This module defines a flow initiated by QueryClusterAverageTemperature defined in cordapp-1, which uses the Dependency Injection Container to inject dependencies inside the flow, and to read properties in a cascading way.


This module represents a newer version of module cordapp-2. It has the same packages and types, with different behaviour.


This module defines a flow initiated by QueryClusterAverageTemperature defined in cordapp-1, which uses the Dependency Injection Container to inject dependencies inside the flow.