
a sample app for flask-minikube deployment

Primary LanguagePython

Flask API with Two Microservices on Kubernetes Cluster

This project demonstrates a Flask API with two microservices deployed on a Kubernetes cluster. The microservices include:

  1. /reverse: Reverses a given message.
  2. /api: Accepts a message and delegates the reversal task to /reverse while also adding a random number.

Development Setup

Cluster Setup

Ensure you have Minikube or a Kubernetes cluster running with DNS and an Ingress controller.

sudo su
minikube start --vm-driver=none
minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable kube-dns

Clone the Repo

git clone https://github.com/nitesh8860/flask-minikube.git

Docker Registry Setup

docker run -d -p 5001:5000 --restart=always --name registry -v /var/registry:/var/lib/registry registry:2

Start App


Stop App


Internal Testing

Get the Cluster IP of the /api service:

kubectl get svc | grep flask-api

Use curl to test the API:

curl -XPOST http://<CLUSTER-IP>:5000/api -d '{"message": "abcdef"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"


Check the logs of the deployments:

kubectl logs deployment/flask-api
kubectl logs deployment/flask-reverse

Google Cloud Setup

Build and Push Images to GCR

gcloud builds --project projectName submit --tag gcr.io/projectName/flask-reverse:v1 ./reverse/
gcloud builds --project projectName submit --tag gcr.io/projectName/flask-api:v1 ./api/

Create a Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud

Deploy the services:

kubectl apply -f deploy-gcloud-reverse.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy-gcloud-api.yaml

Get service URLs:

kubectl get services --namespace=flask

Apply Ingress after changing the hostname in ingress.yml:

kubectl apply -f ingress.yml

Google Cloud Architecture

Google Cloud Architecture Diagram

Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Jenkins and Google Cloud

CICD Pipeline with Jenkins and Google Cloud

In this pipeline, the /reverse service is the backend, and the /api service is the frontend.

  • Avoid downtimes using Canary deployments.
  • Create separate namespaces for development, testing, and production environments.

Source: Google

Enjoy exploring this Flask API with microservices on a Kubernetes cluster!