
co win hosptal availability checker with pincode search n beeper - Hobby Project

Primary LanguagePython


co win hosptal availability checker with pincode search n beeper - Hobby project.

I made this because, it became very hard for somebody to book for the slot on any hospital.i tried my best on pressing mobile screens for half a day for getting a slot,but slot comes n vanishes like flipkart deal.. so i decided to make a checker to automate checking process

Requirements to install

  sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev python3.6-dev   build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev
  pip install -r requirements.txt

Running H-checker;

  python3 checker.py <district number> <pincode to check> <Date> <Vaccine name COVISHIELD or COVAXIN >


  python3 checker.py 307 683572 27-04-2021 COVISHIELD

This will run checker in every 20s and checks API link for pincodes ( pincode+ 8 ),If found it alarms .

Note: Data is available only for current day (+1 at best), set the dates accordingly

District numbers

  1. 307 -- Ernakulam
  2. 301 -- Alapuzha
  3. 297 -- Idukki
  4. 299 -- Trivandrum

Lets automate ;) Its jst a hobby project ... pls contibute if u feel it lacks some features.

Note: It works because district wise hospital Search API is open.