
REST API using Python Django for tracking and assigning issues to Users

Primary LanguagePython


REST API for tracking and assigning issues to Users

Repo requires redis server running as message broker to work as expected

Use brew install redis in OSX for installing redis


All the required packages are defined in requirements.txt

  1. Clone the repository to you local system git clone git@github.com:nithin-vijayan/issue-Tracker-REST.git

  2. Create and activate virutual env using virtualenv <venv-name> then source <venv-name>/bin/activate

  3. run pip install -r requirements.txt for installing all the required packages.

  4. Set following env variables or define them in .env file at the root of Project


<<<<<<< HEAD EMAIL_HOST - server from which django will send email EMAIL_PORT - port number for mail server EMAIL_HOST_USER - username of mail account EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD - account password ASSIGN_REPORT_SCHEDULE -( in Minutes )Controls when to trigger email after issue is asigned DATABASE_URL - postgres db url if not using sqllite in non debug

REPORT_SCHEDULE_HOURS, REPORT_SCHEDULE_MINUTES and REPORT_SCHEDULE_SECONDS together controls the interval to trigger consolidated report of all issues to assignees. Reports will be triggered in such a way that interval will be sum of these 3 parmeters eg: REPORT_SCHEDULE_SECONDS=20 REPORT_SCHEDULE_MINUTES=30 REPORT_SCHEDULE_HOURS=12

EMAIL_HOST - server from which django will send email
EMAIL_PORT - port number for mail server
EMAIL_HOST_USER - username of mail account
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD - account password
ASSIGN_REPORT_SCHEDULE -( in Minutes )Controls when to trigger email after issue is asigned
DATABASE_URL - postgres db url if not using sqllite in non debug

REPORT_SCHEDULE_HOURS, REPORT_SCHEDULE_MINUTES and REPORT_SCHEDULE_SECONDS together controls the interval to trigger consolidated report of all issues to assignees. Reports will be triggered in such a way that interval will be sum of these 3 parmeters


a16985026ce88cc5ff25a70ce319c6094188fc35 Above case report will be triggered with and interval of 12 hours 30 minutes and 20 seconds

  1. Run python manage.py migrate to run necessary DB migrations

  2. Run python manage.py createsuperuser for creating a user in db

<<<<<<< HEAD 7. Activate virtual env in 3 seperate tabs and run the following from project root python manage.py runserver - for running dev server for api endpoints celery -A issueTrackerREST beat -l info - for running celery beat server for scheduling tasks celery -A issueTrackerREST worker -l info - running celery worker for running scheduled tasks

  1. Activate virtual env in 3 seperate tabs and run the following from project root
    python manage.py runserver - for running dev server for api endpoints
    celery -A issueTrackerREST beat -l info - for running celery beat server for scheduling tasks
    celery -A issueTrackerREST worker -l info - running celery worker for running scheduled tasks


Assignee will be notified via email used to signup once the issue is assigned, This delay is adjusted via ASSIGN_REPORT_SCHEDULE
Assignees will recieve a consolidated report of all issues assigned periodically as per the intervals set in configuration
User level permissions permit only the creator of an issue to Modify or delete the issue. Rest of the users will get a permission error


Obtaining auth token

Use : Returns user auth token

<<<<<<< HEAD

>>>>>>> a16985026ce88cc5ff25a70ce319c6094188fc35
Method : POST
Url : /api/user/get_auth_token/
Auth : None
Header : { 
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
Payload : { "username": <username> , "password": <password> }
Response : {"token":"5e45c4c213ca51ff49dc929120cde0fbf1d68180"}
<<<<<<< HEAD



Issues CRUD endpoint

All issue CRUD endpoints requires Token auth. Auth token should be specified in Header
Use : Returns all issues

<<<<<<< HEAD Method : GET Url : /api/issue/ Auth : Token auth Header : { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Token b960c34bc063d6ff7706e678531487ca0972a099" }

Method : GET
Url : /api/issue/ 
Auth : Token auth 
Header : { 
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization": "Token b960c34bc063d6ff7706e678531487ca0972a099" 
>>>>>>> a16985026ce88cc5ff25a70ce319c6094188fc35
Response : [
    {"id":13,"created_by":"nithin","title":"New issue 101","description":"Please take care of this ticket","status":"open","assigned_to":"anotheruser"},
    {"id":14,"created_by":"nithin","title":"New issue 101","description":"Please take care of this ticket","status":"open","assigned_to":"anotheruser"}
<<<<<<< HEAD

###### Use : Returns issue by id
Method : GET
Url : /api/issue/<id>/
Auth : Token auth
Header : { 
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization": "Token b960c34bc063d6ff7706e678531487ca0972a099" 
Response : {"id":13,"created_by":"nithin","title":"New issue 101","description":"Please take care of this ticket","status":"open","assigned_to":"anotheruser"}

###### Use : Create new issue
Method : POST
Url : /api/issue/
Auth : Token auth
Header : { 
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization": "Token b960c34bc063d6ff7706e678531487ca0972a099" 
Payload : { "title":"New issue 102","description":"Please take care of this ticket","status":"open","assigned_to":"anotheruser"}
Response : {"id":14,"created_by":"nithin","title":"New issue 102","description":"Please take care of this ticket","status":"open","assigned_to":"anotheruser"}

assigned_to must be a valid existing username

###### Use : Update an issue
Method : PUT
Url : /api/issue/<id>/
Auth : Token auth
Header : { 
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization": "Token b960c34bc063d6ff7706e678531487ca0972a099" 
Payload : { "title":"New issue 102","description":"Please take care of this ticket asap","status":"open","assigned_to":"newAssignee"}
Response : {"id":14,"created_by":"nithin","title":"New issue 102","description":"Please take care of this ticket asap","status":"open","assigned_to":"newAssignee"}

assigned_to must be a valid existing username

###### Use : Delete an issue
Method : DELETE
Url : /api/issue/<id>/
Auth : Token auth
Header : { 
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization": "Token b960c34bc063d6ff7706e678531487ca0972a099" 
Payload : None
Response : 2xx OK from server

# Output:

![Alt text](images/token.png?raw=true "Get Token by username password")
Get Token by username password

![Alt text](images/get.png?raw=true "Get issue by id")
Get issue by id

![Alt text](images/create.png?raw=true "Create new issue")
Create new issue

![Alt text](images/update.png?raw=true "Update issue by id")
Update issue by id

![Alt text](images/notoken.png?raw=true "Get issue without auth")
Get issue without auth
Use : Returns issue by id
Method : GET 
Url : /api/issue/<id>/ 
Auth : Token auth 
Header : { 
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization": "Token b960c34bc063d6ff7706e678531487ca0972a099" 
Response : {"id":13,"created_by":"nithin","title":"New issue 101","description":"Please take care of this ticket","status":"open","assigned_to":"anotheruser"} 
Use : Create new issue
Method : POST 
Url : /api/issue/ 
Auth : Token auth 
Header : { 
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization": "Token b960c34bc063d6ff7706e678531487ca0972a099" 
Payload : { "title":"New issue 102","description":"Please take care of this ticket","status":"open","assigned_to":"anotheruser"} 
Response : {"id":14,"created_by":"nithin","title":"New issue 102","description":"Please take care of this ticket","status":"open","assigned_to":"anotheruser"} 

assigned_to must be a valid existing username

Use : Update an issue
Method : PUT
Url : /api/issue/<id>/ 
Auth : Token auth 
Header : { 
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization": "Token b960c34bc063d6ff7706e678531487ca0972a099" 
Payload : { "title":"New issue 102","description":"Please take care of this ticket asap","status":"open","assigned_to":"newAssignee"} 
Response : {"id":14,"created_by":"nithin","title":"New issue 102","description":"Please take care of this ticket asap","status":"open","assigned_to":"newAssignee"} 

assigned_to must be a valid existing username

Use : Delete an issue
Method : DELETE 
Url : /api/issue/<id>/ 
Auth : Token auth 
Header : { 
        "Content-Type": "application/json", 
        "Authorization": "Token b960c34bc063d6ff7706e678531487ca0972a099" 
Payload : None 
Response : 2xx OK from server 


Get Token by username password

Alt text

Get issue by id

Alt text

Create new issue

Alt text

Update issue by id

Alt text

Get issue without auth

Alt text
