
Exercism Exercises in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Exercism exercises in Python

Contributing Guide

Please see the contributing guide

Working on the Exercises

We welcome both improvements to the existing exercises and new exercises. A pool of exercise ideas can be found in the x-common repo.

All exercises must be compatible with Python versions 2.7 and 3.3 upwards. Therefore please test your changes with these versions.

Test a single exercise with Python 2.7:

python2.7 test/check-exercises.py [exercise-name]

Test a single exercise with Python 3.3:

python3.3 test/check-exercises.py [exercise-name]

Test all exercises:

python test/check-exercises.py

Code Style

The Python code in this repo is meant to largely obey the PEP8 style guide.

This repo uses flake8 to enforce the coding standard. When you submit a PR, it needs to pass the flake8 tool with no warnings, or it won't be accepted. Here are the settings used by the build system:

flake8 [your-code-here.py] --max-line-length=99 --select=E,W

Pull Requests

We ❤️ pull requests! We even 💖 them if they contain well written commit messages!

Please write the first line of your commit message in the following style:

exercise-name: Changes some things

If there are more details to add, put those into the body of the commit message.

If you're interested, Tim Pope even has an entire blog post on good commit messages.

If you're new to Git take a look at this short guide.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014 Katrina Owen, _@kytrinyx.com

Python icon

The Python logo is an unregistered trademark. We are using a derived logo with the permission of the Python Software Foundation.