
PGM projects

Primary LanguagePython


PGM projects

Implementing the independece criteria for the latent variables

Basic VAE Example

This is an improved implementation of the paper Stochastic Gradient VB and the Variational Auto-Encoder by Kingma and Welling. It uses ReLUs and the adam optimizer, instead of sigmoids and adagrad. These changes make the network converge much faster.

pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py

Setup | For MILA people

<<In the following instructions, replace with “sai” >>

git clone https://github.com/nithin127/nest-vae
cd nest-vae

To get the tensorboard working:

conda create --name sai python=3.6	#just do it. Don’t question 
source activate sai
conda install pytorch torchvision cuda80 -c soumith
pip install tensorflow-gpu
pip install tensorboardX
pip uninstall torchvision 		#coz existing version is crooked
pip install git+https://github.com/pytorch/vision.git	#This is the correct one

cd nest-vae
git checkout devel-tristan	#to go into tristan’s directory. Yes, “devel-tristan” NOT “devel-yourname”
git branch			#idk why, but pls do this
git pull				#to pull all his recent commits
cd tristan/
cd pytorch_tutorial_vae/	#this is where you will get enlightened

<<In a different terminal>>
<<replace gottipav with your elisaID in the following instructions>>
<<replace 1996 with your year of birth>>
ssh -X gottipav@elisa1.iro.umontreal.ca -L 6006:localhost:1996
ssh -X gottipav@bart15.iro.umontreal.ca -L 1996:localhost:6006 		#bart15 is the GPU. 
replace it with whatever GPU you are using
Activate your environment
Go to your directory
tensorboard --logdir .logs --port 6006

Now, python main.py in the /nest-vae/tristan/pytorch_tutorial_vae in your earlier terminal and you can see the tensorboard opening in a browser and doing some stuff

python main.py
