Car Rental Agency Project

This is a web-based car rental agency project that allows customers to rent cars and car rental agencies to manage their car inventory. The project is designed with PHP and MySQL for the backend and HTML/CSS/JS for the frontend.


  1. User Types

    • Customers: Individuals who can browse and rent cars.
    • Car Rental Agencies: Entities that can add and manage car listings.
  2. Pages

    • Registration

      • Separate registration pages for customers and car rental agencies.
    • Login

      • Single or separate login pages for customers and car rental agencies.
    • Dashboard

      • Customized dashboard for each user type.
      • Customers can view available cars and their bookings.
      • Car rental agencies can add new cars and view booked cars.
    • Add New Cars

      • Car rental agencies can add details of new cars.
      • Details include vehicle model, vehicle number, seating capacity, rent per day, and car image.
    • Available Cars to Rent

      • Displays available cars to rent.
      • Customers can select a car, input rental details, and book the car.
      • Car rental agencies cannot book cars.
    • Your Bookings

      • Customers can view their booked cars.
    • View Booked Cars

      • Car rental agencies can view the list of customers who have booked their cars.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Backend: PHP
  • Database: MySQL
  • Styling: Bootstrap (optional)

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Create a MySQL database and import the provided SQL schema.
  3. Configure database connection in db_connection.php.
  4. Set up a web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx).
  5. Access the application through your web server.



  • Special thanks to OpenAI for providing AI-powered assistance in creating this README.