Demo app - developing with Docker

Tutorial from Youtube,

This demo app shows a simple user profile app set up using

Flow Diagram


  • index.html with pure js and css styles
  • nodejs backend with express module
  • mongodb for data storage

Following docker image will be used

we will be using follwoing docker image

  • nanajanashia/k8s-demo-app:v1.0
  • mongo:latest
  • mongo-express:latest

We will have following parts

  • load configs
  • Load Secrets
  • Load Deployments

With Docker

To start the application

  • Load Configs

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
        name: kube-config
        mongo-url: mongo-service
  • Load Secrets

     apiVersion: v1
     kind: Secret
       name: kube-secret
     type: Opaque
       mongo-user: bW9uZ291c2Vy
       mongo-password: bW9uZ29wYXNzd29yZA==
  • Load Deployment and Service Refer

    • kube.yml
    • web.yml
    • mongoexpress.yml
  • You can apply changes by

    • kubectl -f apply kube-config.yml
    • kubectl -f apply kube-secrets.yml
    • kubectl -f apply kube.yml
    • kubectl -f apply web.yml
    • kubectl -f apply mongoexpress.yml
  • Access application using


K8s commands

start Minikube and check status
 minikube start --vm-driver=hyperkit 
 minikube status
get minikube node's ip address
 minikube ip
get basic info about k8s components
 kubectl get node
 kubectl get pod
 kubectl get svc
 kubectl get all
get extended info about components
 kubectl get pod -o wide
 kubectl get node -o wide
get detailed info about a specific component
 kubectl describe svc {svc-name}
 kubectl describe pod {pod-name}
get application logs
 kubectl logs {pod-name}
stop your Minikube cluster
 minikube stop

> ⚠️ **Known issue - Minikube IP not accessible** If you can't access the NodePort service webapp with `MinikubeIP:NodePort`, execute the following command:

minikube service webapp-service
