The Kitsu API List allows you to retrieve anime or manga from Kitsu and show it on your Wordpress website.
A Wordpress installation.
Kitsu API List is a Wordpress plugin and to install it is no different.
First get a copy of the plugin using GIT:
Place the contents inside a folder with a name of your choice, like your-kitsu-api-list-plugin. Copy this directory to your Wordpress plugins directory
You're almost done. Now go into the administration of your Wordpress website, choose Plugins and activate Kitsu API List.
With the plugin active, you need to add the Kitsu API List widget to your website (under Appearance > Widgets). Place it in your area of choice and you're done.
You can configure the widget search type (Anime or Manga), sort type (based on average rating or popularity) and show these results in an ascending or descending order. If you check the Trending checkbox, it will show Anime/ Manga that are currently popular, disregarding sort and order options.
- Filipe Mendonça - Initial work - filipesm-7
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details
- Thanks to Kitsu API documentation, which is incredibily robust. Cannot give enough credit to them.