
Basic problems with solution which are mostly asked in the interviews.

Primary LanguageSwift

Welcome to Fun Algorithms Page.

In this repo, you will find out the solution of many different problems asked in technical interviews. All the solutions are in Swift language.

Checkout discussion page: https://github.com/nitin-agam/fun-algorithms/discussions

Problems Included:

  1. FizzBuzz
  2. Linear Search
  3. Binary Search
  4. Common Word
  5. Fibonacci Series
  6. Palindrome (Number, String)
  7. Grading Students (HackerRank's Problem)
  8. Day of the programmer (HackerRank's Problem)
  9. Electronics Shop (HackerRank's Problem)
  10. Picking Numbers (HackerRank's Problem)
  11. Valid Anagram
  12. First and last position
  13. Hurdle Race
  14. Organizing containers of balls
  15. Two Sum [Nice Problem]
  16. Roman To Integer (LeetCode)
  17. Integer To Roman (LeetCode)
  18. Defanging an IP Address (LeetCode)
  19. String to Integer (atoi) (LeetCode)
  20. Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations (LeetCode)
  21. Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences (LeetCode | Easy)
  22. Find and Replace Pattern (LeetCode | Medium)
  23. Jewels and Stones (LeetCode | Easy)
  24. Reverse Words in a String (LeetCode | Medium) [Nice Problem]
  25. Valid Palindrome II (LeetCode | Easy)
  26. Reverse Vowels of a String (LeetCode | Easy)
  27. Fizz Buzz (LeetCode | Easy) [Nice Problem]
  28. Keyboard Row (LeetCode | Easy)
  29. Multiply Strings (LeetCode | Medium) [Important Problem]
  30. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (LeetCode | Easy)
  31. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II (LeetCode | Easy)
  32. Rotate Array (LeetCode | Easy)
  33. Funny String (HackerRank | Easy)
  34. Ransom Note (LeetCode | Easy)
  35. Partition Labels (LeetCode | Medium) [Nice Problem]
  36. Contains Duplicate (LeetCode | Easy)
  37. Find Digits (HackerRank | Easy)
  38. The Time in Words (HackerRank | Medium) [Nice Problem]
  39. Make The String Great (LeetCode | Easy)
  40. First Missing Positive (LeetCode | Hard)
  41. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (LeetCode | Medium) [Important Problem]
  42. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String (LeetCode | Easy)
  43. Circular Array Rotation (HackerRank | Easy)
  44. Time Conversion (HackerRank | Easy)
  45. Find Median from Data Stream (LeetCode | Hard) [Nice Problem]
  46. Group Anagrams (LeetCode | Medium) [Important Problem]
  47. Count Complete Tree Nodes (LeetCode | Medium)
  48. Guess Number Higher or Lower (LeetCode | Easy)

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Happy Coding !!