- Download the starter code.
- In the main.tf file write the code to provision
- AWS as the cloud provider
- Use an existing VPC ID
- Use an existing public subnet
- 4 AWS t2.micro EC2 instances named Udacity T2
- 2 m4.large EC2 instances named Udacity M4
- Run Terraform.
- Take a screenshot of the 6 EC2 instances in the AWS console and save it as
. - Use Terraform to delete the 2 m4.large instances
- Take an updated screenshot of the AWS console showing only the 4 t2.micro instances and save it as
In the Exercise_2 folder, write the code to deploy an AWS Lambda Function using Terraform. Your code should include:
- A lambda.py file
- A main.tf file with AWS as the provider, and IAM role for Lambda, a VPC, and a public subnet
- An outputs.tf file
- A variables.tf file with an AWS region
Take a screenshot of the EC2 instances page
Take a screenshot of the VPC page
terraform init terraform plan aws lambda list-functions { "Functions": [] }
- Task 1: Task1
- Task 2: Task2
- Task 3: Task3
- Task 4: Task4
- Task 5: Task5
- Task 6: Task6
- 3 Tier Arch: https://lucid.app/lucidchart/invitations/accept/fc0a2985-8533-495d-9332-c98c9d7d937d Serverless Arch: https://lucid.app/lucidchart/invitations/accept/467cbd45-084c-4341-92b7-d1b74e253240
- In "Task 2", Each estimate CSV has respective .txt having explanation
- Exercise 2: UdacityM4 deleted by commenting out that code.
- Task 3:
- Faced issue with CloudTrail user. Able to perform same action from Admin account.
- Fixed issue and updated solution at https://knowledge.udacity.com/questions/399056?utm_campaign=ret_600_auto_ndxxx_knowledge-comment-created_na&utm_source=blueshift&utm_medium=email&utm_content=ret_600_auto_ndxxx_knowledge-comment-created_na&bsft_clkid=1238a21a-56f0-4f98-bd45-9f1726c8077e&bsft_uid=73b14e77-af08-4513-87ed-e3ec70e8437a&bsft_mid=0a0fb974-1f71-4289-92f0-aac2d2c991df&bsft_eid=64e4ccff-21b0-44a8-abc6-a9081789abfc&bsft_txnid=e8ec19c9-e9fe-45c2-ad2f-8445cec25cec&bsft_mime_type=html&bsft_ek=2020-12-05T07%3A08%3A32Z&bsft_aaid=8d7e276e-4a10-41b2-8868-423fe96dd6b2&bsft_lx=1&bsft_tv=1#399085
- Task 6: To avoid charges already deleted instances, hence attached deletion of lambda stack.
Review comments:
Modify your estimates to include cost for elastic IP. Nitin: An Elastic IP address doesn’t incur charges as long as all the following conditions are true:
The Elastic IP address is associated with an EC2 instance.
The instance associated with the Elastic IP address is running.
The instance has only one Elastic IP address attached to it.
The Elastic IP address is associated with an attached network interface, such as a Network Load Balancer or NAT gateway. Ref: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/elastic-ip-charges/
Your logs only show that you were logged in as "CloudTrail" User. I can not confirm from your logs if you were also able to login using "Accountant" user or not. Nitin: Added Task3/UdacityCloudTrailLogAccountant.csv