Terraform Module: terraform-module-aws-ecs-capacity-provider


This module can be used to deploy a ECS Capacity Provider on AWS Cloud Provider......


This module needs Terraform 0.11.14 or newer. You can download the latest Terraform version from here.

Features Branches

Below we are able to check the resources that are being created as part of this module call:

From branch : terraform-11/master

  • ECS Capacity Provider (Terraform 11 supported code)

From branch : terraform-12/master

  • ECS Capacity Provider (Terraform 12 supported code)


Using this repo

To use this module, add the following call to your code:

module "ecs_capacity_provider" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/nitinda/terraform-module-aws-ecs-capacity-provider.git?ref=master"

  # Pass in relevant inputs required for this module here
  # e.g. vpc_id = "${data.terraform_remote_state.networking_shared_services.vpc_id}"



The variables required in order for the module to be successfully called from the deployment repository are the following:

  • Details are in respective branch.



This module has the following outputs:

  • Details are in respective branch.


In order for the variables to be accessed at module level please use the syntax below:



Module maintained by Module maintained by the - Nitin Das