
App engine application to stream data into big query using Google Pub-Sub/ App Engine Task Queue

Primary LanguagePython


  1. Create a dataset and date partitioned BigQuery table to receive the hits. Probably want to delete data after some time in prod.
  • Create empty table > set table name > add schema > Options: Partitioning to "DAY"
  1. Add any other fields to the table that you wish to send in, the script by default also adds ts as a STRING that is a UNIX timestamp so add that too. Any unset fields won't be seen by default.
  2. The sample app.yaml files looks like this:


runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes

- url: .*
  script: main.app

#[START env]
  DATASET_ID: tests
  TABLE_ID: realtime
#[END env]
  1. Deploy the app (see below)
  2. Call the https://your-app-id.appost.com/bq-publish?callback={"field_name":"field_value", "field_name2":"field_value2"} to add the fields to your BigQuery table.

For testing you can call in the browser the URL via GET.

Other examples:


  1. The data won't appear in the BQ table preview quickly but you can query the table via something like SELECT * FROM dataset.tableID to see the realtime hits seconds after the hit it made. Turn off USE CACHED RESULTS. It also adds a ts field with a unix timestamp of when the hit was sent to BigQuery.

  2. View the logs for any errors https://console.cloud.google.com/logs/viewer


  1. Download the Google App Engine Python SDK for your platform.
  2. Open terminal then browse to the folder containing app.yaml
  3. The app requires extra libraries to be installed. You need to install the dependencies with pip.

This installs the libraries to a new folder lib in the app directory. It most likely won't need to add anything.

    pip install -t lib -r requirements.txt
  1. Deploy via:

     gcloud app deploy --project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID]

Optional flags:

  • Include the --project flag to specify an alternate Cloud Platform Console project ID to what you initialized as the default in the gcloud tool. Example: --project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID]
  • Include the -v flag to specify a version ID, otherwise one is generated for you. Example: -v [YOUR_VERSION_ID]
  1. Visit https://your-app-id.appost.com to view your application.

Additional resources

For more information on App Engine:


For more information on Python on App Engine:


Change in the code to capture Server's Data

  • To capture data of the server's side we need wo to write our code in the get() method of PublisherHandler in main.py and then redeploy the code.
  • This will ensure the entered is correct.
  • Before deploying on live setup it must be tested in the test project.