Rails 5 Sample App


Required ruby and rails versions as below:

Rails: 5.2.3

Ruby: 2.6.3

Clone Repository

git clone https://github.com/nitinkadam25/rails_5_sample_app.git

Access Repository

cd rails_5_sample_app

Install Gems

bundle install

Figaro installation:

bundle exec figaro install

Database configuration

  1. Add username and password in application.yml file to access database of PostgreSQL.

    DB_USERNAME: 'postgres'
    DB_PASSWORD: 'password'
  2. Create Database and run migration

    rake db:create && rake db:migrate

Access rails application

  1. Run below command in terminal

    rails s
  2. Access application using localhost in web browser


Development environment gem usage by running locally (Run in a root directory)


rails_best_practices .