
Simple thumbnail generator system using python, golang, rabbitmq and redis in dockerized environment

Primary LanguagePython

Thumbanail Generator Service


Simple thumbnail generator service haing below features:

  • Upload image (specially PNG)
  • Provides the thumbnail for uploaded file

It provides the rest api for uploading images and fetching the associative thumbnails based on python, golang, redis and rabbitmq. Service has 4 main components:

  • api
  • queue (rabbitmq)
  • redis as main data store
  • worker (thumbnail generator)

with the help of rest api, user can upload the file using api which then stores the image related data into redis and sends the thumbnail generator task to rabbitmq based queue ImageConverter and our worker which has subscribed to the queue, listens to the messages and proceeds with the thumbnail generator.

Project Structure

├── README.md
├── api
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── Dockerfile.test
│   ├── gazo
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── api.py
│   │   ├── commands.py
│   │   ├── exceptions.py
│   │   ├── extensions.py
│   │   ├── image
│   │   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   │   └── index.py
│   │   ├── settings.py
│   │   └── utils.py
│   ├── requirements
│   │   ├── dev.txt
│   │   └── prod.txt
│   ├── requirements.txt
│   ├── run.py
│   └── tests
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── __pycache__
│       ├── conftest.py
│       ├── test_get_thumbmail.py
│       ├── test_image_upload.py
│       └── test_utils.py
├── docker-compose.dev.yml
├── docker-compose.test.yml
├── docker-compose.yml
├── rabbitmq
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── definitions.json
│   └── rabbitmq.config
├── run-tests.sh
├── sampledata
│   ├── cologne.png
│   ├── tokyo.jpg
│   ├── tokyo.png
│   ├── wrong.png
│   └── zero_byte.png
└── worker
    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── config
    │   ├── config.go
    │   ├── dev.json
    │   ├── prod.json
    │   └── test.json
    ├── consumer.go
    ├── go.mod
    ├── go.sum
    ├── main.go
    ├── redisdb.go
    └── resizer.go

API Documentation:

POST /image

File uploader endpoint specific to png format

  • file (required): type(Content-Type: image/png)> validation cases:
    • PNG with size > 0B or size < 10MB
Response codes and description:
success cases
    "request_id" : "XXXXXXXXX"
error cases
    "message" : "XXXXXXXXX"

Here are the response codes and messages descriptions

Request Response_Code Response_Keys Sample response
Valid png 200 request_id: type(string:uuid) {“request_id” : “990663a4-1bd8-4cde-ace6-8592c3baaf52”}
Upload file other than PNG format or PNG with zero size 400 message: type(string) {“message” : “Bad request”}
Exceptions like Connection errors with redis or rabbitmq 503 message: type(string) {“message” : “Internal Server Error, Try again later”}

GET /image/${request_id}/thumbnail

Thumbnail endpoint providing status of thumbnail generation and thumnnail

  • request_id (required): type(string)
Response codes and description:
success cases
  • thumbnail generation successful

       "request_id": "ba009385-27d2-4e6e-9005-64c45066a23f",
       "thumbnail_status": "COMPLETED",
       "result": {
          "thumbnail_100x100": "http://localhost:5000/image/ba009385-27d2-4e6e-9005-64c45066a23f_100x100.png",
          "original_image": "http://localhost:5000/image/ba009385-27d2-4e6e-9005-64c45066a23f.png"
  • thumbnail generation processing request has been submitted to service but still thumbnail generation is not yes finished by worker process

        "request_id": "4a6f11ec-855b-4671-9b69-70ab57685bc9",
        "thumbnail_status": "PROCESSING",
  • thumbnail generation failed request has been submitted to service but thumbnail generation is failed by worker process

        "request_id": "97d715cc-16e3-420a-af63-6c0a30c12f44",
        "thumbnail_status": "FAILED",
error cases
  • 404
        "message" : "No such request registered in system"
  • 503
        "message" : "Internal Server Error, Try again later"
Response codes and description:

Here are the response codes and messages

Request Response_Code Response_Keys Sample response
Valid request_id(from POST /image response) 200 request_id: type(string:uuid) (always), thumbnail_status: string:(COMPLETED,PROCESSING,FAILED) (always), result:type(json) (on successful image generation) {“request_id” : “990663a4-1bd8-4cde-ace6-8592c3baaf52”}
Upload file other than PNG format or PNG with zero size 400 message: type(string) {“message” : “No such request registered in system”}
Exceptions like Connection errors with redis or rabbitmq 503 message: type(string) {“message” : “Internal Server Error, Try again later”}

GET /image/${request_id}

Provide Thumbnail image

  • request_id (required): type(string)
Response codes and description:
success cases
  • 200 or 304 (cached) thumbnail image
error cases
  • 404
        "message" : "File not found"
  • 503 service error
Response codes and description:

Here are the response codes and messages

Request Response_Code Response_Keys Sample response
Valid request_id(from POST /image response) 200 N/A image bytes
Invalid request_id 404 message: type(string) {“message” : “File not found”}

Execution (User Acceptance testing)

System requirement

Development and testing is done on below docker environment

Utility Description
Docker (mac/linux) latest version(Docker version 18.09.0, build 4d60db4)
Docker compose (mac/linux) latest version (docker-compose version 1.23.2, build 1110ad01)

feel free to upgrade your personal computer to work service properly.

Note: make sure your don't have any service running on your local machine with ports 5000,5672,15672,6379 otherwise kill that process for time being

cd Thumbnail
docker-compose up
# wait for all containers to build and start as this is first time exection


  • Thumbnail generation successful

    # already some sample data for png,jpg, 0B png are added into sampledata 
    # Open New terminal
    curl -F 'file=@./sampledata/tokyo.png'
    export reqId=${request_id}
    curl "$reqId/thumbnail"
  • Thumbnailgeneration inprogress

     # already some sample data for png,jpg, 0B png are added into sampledata 
     # Open New terminal and go to our project directory `Thumbnail`
     docker-compose stop worker
     curl -F 'file=@./sampledata/cologne.png'
     export reqId=${request_id}
     curl "$reqId/thumbnail" # this one will have "PROCESSING" thumbnail_status
     docker-compose start worker
     curl "$reqId/thumbnail" # this one will have "COMPLETED" thumbnail_status
  • Thumbnailgeneration failed

     # already some sample data for png,jpg, 0B png are added into sampledata 
     # Open New terminal and go to our project directory `Thumbnail` or you can change any files extension to png and make request 
     curl -F 'file=@./sampledata/wrong.png'
     export reqId=${request_id}
     curl "$reqId/thumbnail" #this one will have "PROCESSING" thumbnail_status


  • Bad request_id
     curl ""
  • Internal server error
     # already some sample data for png,jpg, 0B png are added into sampledata 
     # Open New terminal and go to our project directory `Thumbnail`
     curl -F 'file=@./sampledata/cologne.png'
     export reqId=${request_id}
     docker-compose stop redis
     curl "$reqId/thumbnail" # this gives internal server error
     docker-compose start redis

Remove your container once testing is done executing below command from Thumbnail directory

docker-compose down

Unit/Intergration testing:

Execute test cases using Thumbnail/run-tests.sh script Nore: Make sure your previous docker-compose up should be terminated and executed docker-compose down then execute below commands

cd Thumbnail
chmod +x run-tests.sh