
Reverse string with cache and go routine in k8s

Primary LanguageGo


Microservice for the reversing string and generating random number. There are two main webservicess

  1. random webservice (it includes redis cache) : exposes POST /api
  2. verso webservice : exposes POST /reverse

The verso service api reverse is not exposed directly to end users.

Runing webservices

$ git clone https://github.com/nitinpatil1992/microdigi.git

Local execution

$ docker-compose up 

# wait for all services to up

$ curl -X POST -d '{"message":"abcdefg"}' localhost:9000/api

# on retry, you will get the same result along with random number as it is cached in redis 
$ curl -X POST -d '{"message":"abcdefg"}' localhost:9000/api
$ curl -X POST -d '{"message":"abcdefg"}' localhost:9000/api

Minikube execution

$ minikube start

$ kubectl create ns diginex

$ helm init
# wait for tiller container to spin up 
$ kubectl get po -l'name=tiller' -n kube-system --watch

$ git clone https://github.com/nitinpatil1992/digihelm.git

$ cd digihelm/charts/verso

$ helm install --name=verso --namespace=diginex .

$ kubectl get all -n diginex

$ cd ../random

$ helm install --name=random --namespace=diginex .
# wait for random web service to spin up

$ kubectl get all -n diginex

$ curl -X POST -d '{"message":"0123456"}'  $(minikube ip):30501/api