Text mining and analysis on health discussions on suomi24.
This project concerns a rough exploration of the Finnish Suomi24 dataset in order to map the discussions related to health, answering the questions: What are the main health issues that much interest citizens? What are their key worries, inspirations? How such worries, inspirations are manifested in the forum?
- virtualenv
- python3
- java
- download stanford named entity taggger and unzip it in stanford folder: stanford-ner-2018-10-16
Clone the Repository As usual, you get started by cloning the project to your local machine:
git clone git@github.com:moamenibrahim/nlp_project.git
cd nlp_project/
Create a virtual enviroment in the current project folder using python3
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Moamen Ibrahim
- Sercan Türkmen
- Mina Maged
- Matti Eteläperä