Spring boot e-commerce micro-services

Sample spring boot micro-services code, with below services -

  • product-service - Displays product catalog
  • user-service - List of users that can get products and place an order
  • order-service - Displays the order list with user id and product id along with quantity

All these micro-services fetch data from MySQL database. The details about tables and schema can be found in table_schema.sql

Setup locally

Setup MySQL database

  • Install mysql on local MacOS - brew install mysql
  • Start the mysql service - brew services start mysql
  • Confirm service is running - brew services list
  • Login to mysql and create database and tables - mysql -u root -p
  • Use the table_schema.sql and execute the commands one by one

Starting the micro-services

  • Open three different terminals and cd to respective micro service directory (assuming you have already cloned project locally)
  • Run command - mvn clean install
  • Finally, run the service - mvn spring-boot:run
  • Access the services from browser -
    • user-service - http://localhost:8081/users/
    • product-service - http://localhost:8082/products/
    • order-service - http://localhost:8083/orders/