OtelCollector Addon is a pluggable addon working on the extensibility provided by addon-framework which automates the installation of otelCollector on both hub cluster and managed clusters and jaeget-all-in-one on hub cluster for processing and storing the traces.
OtelCollecotr Addon consists of two components:
Addon-Manager: Manages the installation of hub components for setting up the Addon
Addon-Agent: Manages the installation of collector agents in the managed clustres.
The overall architecture is shown below:
$ helm install \
-n open-cluster-management-addon --create-namespace \
otel-collector charts/otel
$ kubectl -n open-cluster-management-addon get pod
jaeger-all-in-one-57dcf4b5-ltt46 1/1 Running 0 65s
otel-collector-75fd748b4c-cbt7k 1/1 Running 0 65s
otel-collector-addon-manager-568885c78b-pl9db 1/1 Running 0 67s