
Reader for CoNLL-2012 using Ontonotes-5.0 documents

Primary LanguagePython

CoNLL-2012 Reader

Reader for CoNLL-2012 using Ontonotes-5.0 documents.

Generates .conll files by reading the .skel files from the CoNLL-2012 dataset and the documents from Ontonotes-5.0.

  1. In the script setup_training.sh change the ontonotes_path to the directory containing Ontonotes-5.0. This directory should contain four items: data/ docs/ tools/ index.html

  2. Run by replacing OUTPUT_DIR with the path where the processed files will be kept.

bash setup_training.sh OUTPUT_DIR

OUTPUT_DIR will contain (a) conll-2012 directory contains the conll files in the v4 directory. (b) {train, dev, test}.english.jsonlines files contain the training, development, and test data for CoNLL-2012.

The code is from Kenton Lee