Welcome to executable SRS for ESE 2019 project

This project contains executable SRS for 'Event Management Platform' to be developed as a part of ESE 2019 course.

It contains following classes and relationships:

  • EMPApp holds users and services
  • EMPUser is a superclass which is further specialized into EMPAdmin, EMPServiceProvider amd EMPEndUser
  • ServicePosting is a superclass which is further specialized into CateringPosting and VenuePosting.

All the application logic is composed as a set of <gtExample> further composed in an executable document to tell a running story.

How to load

You can load the whole code in Pharo 8.0 using the following snippet:

EpMonitor current disable.
  Metacello new
    baseline: 'EMPlatform';
    repository: 'github://nitishspatkar/ESE19-Event-Management-Platform-Executable-SRS';
] ensure: [ EpMonitor current enable ].

To get started:

Open playground and type EMPApp and run. You will see the documentation which is interactive.