- 0
Missing cast when compiling safe call
#2804 opened by Louis-Vincent - 3
Problem with F-Droid repository?
#2832 opened by EdoSecco - 1
Legal license query
#2834 opened by sincorchetes - 4
It's not possible to comment an annotation
#2786 opened by Delja - 0
Global compiler: unreachable code warning when using nullable in generic types
#2780 opened by Louis-Vincent - 3
CI tests should run nitunit on README files
#2313 opened by xymus - 2
Add UNIX socket support to nitcorn
#2678 opened by matthmsl - 3
Add UNIX socket support to libevent
#2679 opened by matthmsl - 0
nitweb do not show module on properties
#2365 opened by privat - 1
DocUnits are not always recognized
#2403 opened by jcbrinfo - 0
nitls should protect spaces in paths returned on -M
#2699 opened by xymus - 4
Compilation error in libevent.nit
#2684 opened by matthmsl - 1
CURL UNIX Socket support
#2623 opened by matthmsl - 0
Compiler crash on equality test
#2629 opened by lbajolet - 1
- 5
Regression: error compiling the system
#2619 opened - 0
interpreter: broken constructors when ending with a `return`
#2546 opened by xymus - 0
ELI5: `is optional` behavior
#2601 opened by Morriar - 0
- 0
- 2
Dropbox-api - which http interface?
#2588 opened - 3
Interactive interpreter?
#2578 opened - 0
- 2
runtime crash with "Numeric"
#2583 opened - 3
Numeric types documentation and rough corners
#2582 opened - 1
Calculator example bugs and improvements
#2576 opened - 4
- 2
Glitches in Android build system
#2569 opened - 2
Calculator example on Android: font size problem
#2570 opened - 1
Update/autogenerate list of examples
#2574 opened - 1
calculator example - wrong result for 9^4
#2561 opened - 0
- 4
regexp escaping
#2463 opened by Morriar - 1
benitlux dont like my password
#2506 opened by privat - 0
- 6
Add Unicode escaping
#2461 opened by privat - 0
hightlight: first_line and last_line not implemented
#2417 opened by xymus - 1
Set-theoric types
#2412 opened by jcbrinfo - 13
Nit won't compile on Debian 32 bits
#2355 opened by ablondin - 0
Fictive module in memory instead of on the disk
#2378 opened by BlackMinou - 0
- 2
Crash in case of virtual type conflicts
#2318 opened by jcbrinfo - 1
Not-a-numbers do not always follow IEEE semantics
#2314 opened by jcbrinfo - 2
nitiwiki_server build error
#2324 opened by egagnon - 0
nitcorn: graceful exit
#2294 opened by privat - 4
Generalize a property after the fact
#2310 opened by jcbrinfo - 7
Make JSON deserializer more robust
#2291 opened by lbajolet - 1
nitunit: conflicting name between modules and packages
#2296 opened by xymus - 0
nitc: Clearly distinguish `cname` and `c_name`
#2277 opened by jcbrinfo - 0
nitcorn: Non POLA cookie behavior cause lost sessions
#2278 opened by privat