
Official ACM PEC Student Chapter Website

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the official website of PEC ACM student chapter. This is an Open-Source project. Feel free to contribute in it.

Steps to Run the Project for the first time

  1. Open a Terminal/Cmd in the project folder
  2. Install the npm packages by running npm install or npm i -legacy-peer-deps. This will install all the necessary dependencies for the project to run
  3. Start the server by running: npm start
  4. A new window will open in your default browser at


How to Contribute/Making PRs

  • Fork the repo.

  • Clone the repo.

    • Either download the zip source code, or copy the URL, create a new folder
      git init and git clone https://github.com/<username>/ACM-PEC-Website

  • This will give you access to all branches of the origin through remote. You need to now fetch all branches
    git fetch

  • git checkout master and create a copy of this branch git checkout -b <new-branch>
    If at some point you watch pull files from some other branch: git pull origin <that-branch>

  • You can make your changes in this branch and if you are using VS Code Version Control it will show you beautifully all the changes made.

  • Last step is to make changes visible on cloud
    git add . -> git commit -m "relevant_msg" -> git push origin master

  • You can come to your forked repo and create the PR.

Happy Contributing!! :)