
A extension for jooq autogeneration that works with testcontainers

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Jooq Liquibase-testcontainer extension

This jooq extension enables you to generate code from a liquibase changeset that is a applied to a real database and not only H2 as the official jooq-liquibase extension does.

This project is in its early stages - but it is still quite usable you only use one class

  • For JOOQ : 3.16.x
  • For Liquibase : 4.23.x (semi-optional)

The liquibase version can be changed by importing into the same scope as long as it has no breaking changes


  • MySQL
  • Postgres

Further implementations are extremely easy (as long as supported by liquibase, jooq and testcontainers). Just open a PR - its just copy paste and adding a dependency

Full Example

There is a mininal, fully tested & working example under example


This library is NOT published on maven central! If you want to use it use one of theese options:

  • jitpack
  • git clone + git submodule + gradle includeBuild
    • This means you clone this repo into the repo you want to use it in
    • Then add it as git submodule so that you do not check in my code
    • use includeBuild in gradle in order to use it as dependency


Should work basically the same as gradle but not documented yet


dependencies {
    jooqGenerator("eu.nitok:jooq-liquibase")//this repository
    jooqGenerator('org.liquibase:liquibase-core:4.23.0')//(optional!) only needed when pinning a version
jooq {
    version = '3.16.3'
    configurations {
        main {
            generationTool {
                jdbc {
                    driver = "org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver"
                    url = "jdbc:tc:mysql:8.0.33:///;databaseName=YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME?TC_TMPFS=/testtmpfs:rw&user=root"
                generator {
                    database {
                        name = 'eu.nitok.jooq.extension.MySqlLiquibaseDatabase'
                        properties {
                            property {
                                key = 'scripts'
                                value = "path/to/your/changelogs.xml"
                            property {
                                key = 'database.defaultSchemaName'
                                value = 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME'
                            property {
                                key = 'database.liquibaseSchemaName'
                                value = 'PUBLIC'


  • You need to make sure that path/to/your/changelogs.xml is on the jooqGenerator classpath!
    • kotlin DSL
      tasks.named<JooqGenerate>("generateJooq").configure {
          (runtimeClasspath as? ConfigurableFileCollection)?.from(tasks.processResources.get().outputs.files)
          allInputsDeclared = true 
    • groovy DSL
      tasks.named('generateJooq').configure {
          allInputsDeclared = true