MATRIX is an MPC Test Automation Framework developed by Bar Ilan University Cryptography Research Group. It automates the tedious process of deploying, running, monitoring and summarizing results. It uses AWS or Scaleway to provision servers(instances), and can be used internally on a local host or in a container deployment. A paper featuring MATRIX was prensented in ACM-CCS18
The system requires a management computer (Manager) - a computer that centralized all the execution. The Manager executes all the experiment phases, starting from install the experiment up to analyse it's results. The Manager is a stand alone workstation and it's not part of the workstations that participate in the experiment.
In order to use all MATRIX capabilities, a cloud account is required. MATRIX uses two cloud providers(CP):
- Scaleway - for ARM computing resources
To create account at AWS:
- Sign up for AWS.
- Define your credentials at the Manager computer.
To create account at Scaleway:
- Sign up for Scaleway
MATRIX uses two services of AWS:
- Spot instances - The execution of the protocols is done by deploy spot instances. All the instances have the same AMI(Amazon Machine Image). In most cases we are using a custom AMI that contains libscapi. AMI are defined per region. If you are executing an experiment on two different regions(locations), you will need to copy the AMI to the requested regions. More on AMI can be found here.
- Elasticsearch service - The analysis done by Elasticsearch (ES). All the results are uploaded and stored at ES. Information on ES can be found here. We are also using the built in Kibana plugin to visualize our results.
MATRIX runs under python 3.5 and uses fabric, fabric3 and openpyxl.
Matrix tested on these OSs:
- Ubuntu 16.04.3/18.04.1 LTS
- CentOS 7.3
- Arch Linux
To install Python 3 and pip under Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 :
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
To install under CentOS 7.3:
sudo yum install python35u.x86_64 python35u-pip.noarch
To install under Arch Linux:
pacman -S python python-pip
After You installed Python 3 and pip3 you will need to install the modules MATRIX uses. To install this three modules use pip3
pip3 install --user openpyxl 'fabric<2.0' fabric3 boto3 colorama certifi elasticsearch scaleway-sdk
NOTE: on some computers the following error may appear: locale.Error: unsupported locale setting
To fix it, run:
sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y locales
locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
After the modules installed, clone this repository to install MATRIX on your system.
MATRIX Modules
After config file was created, You will need to deploy your images(instances). MATRIX supports three different deployments:
- Local deployment
- Servers deployment
- AWS deployment
Local Deployment
To deploy MATRIX locally set regions
parameter to local
at the config file
AWS Deployment
After you created your AWS account and set your credentials, you will need a key to deploy your instances.
Detailed explanation can be found here.
After you created your key, change this line at
- set the correct location and name of your AWS key
env.key_filename = ['%s/Keys/matrix.pem' % Path.home()]
The execution module supports these operations:
- Pre process - Operations that need to be done before the protocol executed like installation of library.
- Install - Install the experiment.
- Update - Update the current experiment if change was done to his code.
- Execute - execute the protocol.
- Results - Collect the results file from the images and analyse them. For more details see ExperimentReport section.
- analyse - analyse the results from given directory.
MATRIX analyse four parameters:
- CPU runtime (milliseconds)
- RAM usage (GB) - Will be added in future release
- Sent bytes (bytes) - Will be added in future release
- Received bytes (bytes) - Will be added in future release
The report module analyse the results files that was taken from the images by number of parties parameter. If you want to analyse by different parameter use the Elasticsearch option.
MATRIX uses a header class logger API.
The logging is done at the protocol code. The logger generate logs files that uploaded to Elasticsearch server.
To use MATRIX logger class, just include MatrixMeasurement.h
to your main class.
To measure task:
#include "MatrixMeasurement.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
MatrixMeasurement matrixLogger(argc,argv,vector<string>{"offline","online"}, numberOfIterations);
matrixLogger.startSubTask("offline", iterationIdx);;
matrixLogger.endSubTask("offline", iterationIdx);
MATRIX Configurations
In order to connect to the instances MATRIX uses a file that contains the AWS keys and security groups. For each region in AWS you need to create an entry in the global configuration file. Sample configuration file can be found here
MATRIX uses configuration file to set it execution. The configuration file is written in json format.
Each configuration file has the following fields:
protocol - Name of protocol
CloudProviders - for eac cloud provider we need to create a unique entry. each entry contains these fields:
- numOfParties - number of instances to create.
- instanceType
- spotPrice - relevant only to AWS. For detailed explanation about spot instances, use this link
- git:
- gitAddress - Git repository path. MATRIX will clone the repository into all target servers, configure, make and install. If installation of other libraries is needed to be done, see pre-process section of MATRIX for details.
- gitBranch - The branch the protocol uses.
executableName - The name of the executable to execute
preProcessTask - ID of the pre process task that required. Not relevant to all of the protocols. The available pre process tasks that defines in MATRIX can be found in this script
Configurations - List of configurations to run. Each configuration is a set of CLI arguments to the executable. The arguments are separated between them by '@'. Party ID is added automatically
numOfRepetitions - How Many times MATRIX will execute the protocol
numOfInternalRepetitions - How many times the protocol will be executed on single run.
isPublished - Indicate if the protocol was published.
isExternal - Indicate if the protocol external to libscapi library
regions - AWS regions to execute the protocol.
workingDirectory - The directory of the protocol and the data related to the protocol.
resultsDirectory - Directory to copy to the results files from the servers. The directory is local directory at the MATRIX system computer.
emails - MATRIX will send notifications to this email addresses. Multiple email addresses are supported
institute - Research Group identifier
coordinatorConfig - If coordinator exists in the protocol, the configuration for him will described here. The configuration need to be in the same format of 'configurations' field
coordinatorExecutable - The name of the coordinator executable
In order to receive easy access to the MATRIX system, MATRIX uses basic CLI. To run the CLI run: python3
For bugs/features requests open an issue or send mail to