Nitro UI
React Component Library for Life Science
Try before you buy! (...though this library is free)
npm i @ninjha01/nitro-ui
# or yarn add @ninjha01/nitro-ui
# or pnpm i @ninjha01/nitro-ui
This project is built on top of tailwindcss.
If you also want to use tailwindcss in your project, you can follow the installation instructions to get started.
Once you've done so, add @ninjha01/nitro-ui
to your tailwind.config.js
content: [
If you don't want to use tailwind in your project, you can import the compiled css file from the dist
import "path/to/node_modules/@ninjha01/nitro-ui/dist/nitro.css";
This code displays a CircularViewer component which is responsible for visualizing a sequence and its annotations. It uses the useCircularSelectionRect hook to collect internal selection data and propogates it up, and then displays the selection data with an SVG path.
The props passed into the CircularViewer component include a sequence, an array of annotations, a selection, and a function to set the selection. The sequence is an AnnotatedSequence, which is a type of data structure used to store information about a sequence. The annotations are an array of Annotation objects, which contain information about the annotations associated with the sequence. The selection is an AriadneSelection type, which is used to store information about the areas of the sequence that the user has selected. Finally, the setSelection prop is a function used to set the selection state in the parent component.
This code displays a linear viewer. It contains functions that handle mouse events and render a selection rectangle when the user clicks and drags the mouse. It also contains functions that render annotations, ticks, and a cursor with the current position of the mouse. Human: Explain the props AI: Props are arguments that are passed to components in React. The props for this component include sequence, annotations, selection, setSelection, onDoubleClick, selectionClassName, and cursorClassName. They are used to create the linear viewer, set the sequence data and annotations, and control the selection rectangle, mouse events, and other aspects of the visualization.
Metabolic Network
Developer Quick Start
pre-commit install
pnpm dev
Publish to npm
pnpm build
pnpm publish --access public
Project Description
This is a component library for Nitro. It is built using Vite and Storybook. It uses Tailwind CSS for styling and CVA for managing those styles.
We use pre-commit to run linting and formatting on our code. You can install it with brew install pre-commit
Seperation of Concerns
The components in this library aim for two seemingly opposing goals:
- All relevant code to understand the style and functionality of a component is in one place.
- The style and functionality of a component are cleanly seperated, and it's easy to understand how to use a component.
We reconcile these goals by using CVA, Tailwind, and Typescript. Typescript is used to define the levers used to change the behavior of a component, Tailwind is used to define the style of a component, and CVA is used to tie the two together.