
Remote Serial Log tools for BB

Primary LanguagePython

Serial Logger

Simple serial logger written in Python.

Logs everything received through a serial port (native or virtual) into a file whose name is the date and time when the log started, e.g. 2014-10-07T13.04.50.bin.

Tested in Windows and Linux. It also works on the Raspberry Pi (tested on Raspbian).


  • python 2.7 (or python 2.6 and argparse)
  • pyserial

Basic usage

$ python serial_loger.py -d SERIAL_DEVICE -s SERIAL_SPEED

Defaults are /dev/ttyUSB0 for SERIAL_DEVICE and 9600 (bps) for SERIAL_SPEED.

Linux example using a UART-USB adapter (/dev/ttyUSB0) and 9600 bps:

$ python serial_loger.py
Logging started. Ctrl-C to stop.

Windows example using COM5 and 19200 bps:

$ python serial_loger.py -d COM5 -s 19200
Logging started. Ctrl-C to stop.

//apply confgs

ssh auth

raspi-config enable serial port, resol.conf dns;

rc.local sudo python /home/pi/Abrantes/serial_logger.py -d /dev/ttyAMA0 &

ssh key: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-setup-passwordless-ssh-login/

crontab -e 30 min