
CPU and GPU code for computing arbitrary dimensional sandpiles following the algorithm in "Dynamic Dimensional Reduction in the Abelian Sandpile" https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.05968

Primary LanguageJulia


  1. install Julia 1.5.0+


  2. start Julia and run

    (for CPU code with no dependencies)
    (for GPU code install CUDA.jl and run)
  3. compute arbitrary dimensional sandpiles on the hypercube by running, for example

    >d = 6
    >M= 3
    >init_condition = 2*d
    >@time v, index, num_iters = getOdometer_cpu(init_condition,M,d)
    >s = getLaplacian_cpu(v,index,M,d)

- see run_gpu.jl  and run_cpu.jl for some sample code

- to write the outputs to a file run

	> using DelimitedFiles
	> writedlm("file_name", s) 

- for 3D viz in Julia we recommend installing Makie.jl 
and following the recipe in sample 2 in run_*.jl

- for writing 2D sandpiles to PNG files we recommend
installing FileIO,Colors, IndirectArrays and then following 
the recipe in sample 3 in run_*.jl