
Auto Reaction Tool [SOURCECODE]

Primary LanguagePython


Auto Reaction Tool [SOURCECODE]

  1. Create a Discord Bot and activate all 3 Intents
  2. Go to main.py and fill out the Bot Token in line 10
  3. Go in your Discord Bot to OAuth-2 > URL-Generator and select 'bot' & 'application.commands' and invite the Bot with this link
  4. Open the File named 'whitelist.txt' and paste your Server ID in there
  5. Run 'main.py' and stop it again.
  6. Open 'settings.json' and configurate your Server ID [ set 'everyone' to true ], [ set 'tokens' to the amount of tokens you added to the server ], [ set 'max' to the maximum reacts ]
  7. Create a new File in the Folder named 'serverid.txt' [ replace 'serverid' ] with the ServerID which you added before to 'whitelist.txt'
  8. Put your tokens, which you added to the Server in the 'serverid.txt' file
  9. Start 'main.py' and enjoy!

Questions or Issues? Contact me on Discord! .gg/michiservices | Michi.exe#0001