
Automated DNA micro-satellite genotyping

Primary LanguagePython

ScaleDM1: Automated Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 genotyping

ScaleDM1 is a package for automating the process of genotyping microsatellite repeats in Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 data. We utilise machine learning approaches to take into account natural data 'artefacts', such as PCR slippage and somatic mosaicism, when processing data. This provides the end-user with a simple to use platform which can robustly predict genotypes from input data.

By default, input is an aligned .sam file (either through stdin, or user specified files/directories); only genotyping is carried out. However, if you wish to use ScaleDM1 as a pipeline for unaligned reads, providing the software with a configuration XML file will allow for quality control (trimming, demultiplexing) of raw reads, alignment, and then genotyping.

The general overview of the application (assuming use of all stages) is as follows:

  1. Input FastQ files are subsampled, if specified. Reads are then treated for quality (trimming, scoring), given the user's parameters.
  2. FastQC is carried out on the treated files, with reports available in a given sample's output folder.
  3. Alignment of these files, to a typical DM1 structure (CTG) reference, is carried out.
  4. With the appropriate allele information and sequence assembly(ies) present, samples are genotyped.
  5. Output is written for the current sample; the procedure is repeated for the next sample in the queue (if present).

What's New

  • Added -s/--subsample flag for subsampling of input FastQ sequences (random subsampling based on user-provided float, e.g. 0.2 = 20%)
  • Added -b/--boost flag to increase DSP scanning by subsampling aligned assemblies (generic SAM subsampling given the following rules): -- If File_ReadCount > 20000: subsample = 25%. -- Elif 20000 > File_ReadCount > 10000: subsample = 20% -- Else subsample = 10%
  • Added -g/--groupsam flag, to output all generated alignment files into a dedicated assembly folder; as opposed to sample specific subfolders.
  • Added -j/--jobname flag for customised prefix of root output directories.
  • Added -p/--purgesam flag for removing all reads from an alignment file (generated or specified) which are not uniquely mapped.
  • Restructured the entire alignment/genotyping process to utilise object-based allele structure to allow dynamic per-allele remapping for single atypical alleles.
  • Transitioned from a Bowtie2 wrapper to a BWA-MEM wrapper in -c mode; XML/DTD tags updated to reflect this.

Installation Prerequisites

If you do not have sudo access (to install requisite packages), you should run ScaleHD in a user-bound local python environment, or discrete installation. This guide will assume you have sudo access. However, we detail an extra stage on setting up a local python environment for use with ScaleDM1.

  1. (Optional 1 - no sudo) Python 2.7 Setup

    $ cd desired-directory
    $ tar jvzf Python-2.7.tar.bz2
    $ cd Python-2.7
    $ ./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/your/custom/installation/path
    $ make
    $ make install
  2. (Optional 2 - no sudo) Bash profile edit.. in your ~/.bash_profile file

    $ export PATH=/your/custom/installation/path/bin:$PATH
    $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/your/custom/installation/path/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  3. Get PIP if not already installed!

    $ wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
    $ python ~/path/to/get-pip.py
  4. Install Cython/Scipy stack separately (Setuptools seems to install incorrectly..)

    $ pip install cython
    $ pip install scipy
    $ pip install numpy
  5. Install ScaleDM1 from src (pip coming soon...)

    $ cd ~/path/to/ScaleHD/src/
    $ python setup.py install
  6. Install required third-party binaries. Please make sure any binaries you do install are included on your $PATH so that they can be found by your system. Please note, ScaleDM1 will utilise GNU TYPE to determine if a command is on your $PATH. If either TYPE or a dependency is missing, ScaleDM1 will inform you and exit.

    Quality Control:
        FastQC (Java required)
        Generatr (setup.py will install this for you)
        Generatr (as above)


General usage is as follows:

$ scaledm1 [-h/--help] [-v] [-c CONFIG] [-t THREADS] [-p] [-g] [-s FLOAT] [-b] [-j "jobname"] [-o OUTPUT]
$ scaledm1 -v -c ~/path/to/config.xml -t 12 -p -s 0.5 -j "ExampleJobPrefix" -o ~/path/to/master/output

ScaleDM1 flags are:

-h/--help:: Simple help message explaining flags in detail
-v/--verbose:: Enables verbose mode in the terminal (i.e. shows user feedback)
-c/--config:: Will execute all settings specified in the given ArgumentConfig.xml [filepath].
-t/--threads:: Number of threads to utilise. Mainly will affect alignment performance [integer].
-p/--purgesam:: Enables the purging of reads which are not uniquely mapped to a reference. Optional.
-g/--groupsam:: Groups all aligned assemblies generated into one output folder, with appropriate sample names. If not specified, assemblies will be left in the sample's specific output subfolder.
-s/--subsample:: subsamples input FASTQ (unaligned) data by the specified float, as percentage [float].
-b/--boost:: generic subsampling of SAM (aligned) data by a percentage, dependant on how many reads aligned.
-j/--jobname:: Specifies a prefix to use for the root output directory. Optional. If you specify a JobName that already
exists within your specified -o output folder, ScaleHD will prompt the user to decide if they wish to delete the pre-existing folder and replace.
-o/--output:: Desired output directory.

Data Primer

A short note on the requirements of filenames/structure for ScaleHD to function. A sample's filename (here, ExampleSampleName) must adhere to the following structure:


You must utilise both forward (R1) and reverse (R2) reads, per sample pair. If the respective files do not end in _R1.fastq (.fq) or _R2.fastq (.fq), ScaleHD will not run correctly. Individual settings for different stages in ScaleHD are set within a configuration XML document. The particular acceptable data types/ranges for each parameter varies. The configuration XML document for ScaleHD settings must also adhere to the following structure:

<config data_dir="/path/to/reads/" forward_reference="/path/to/forward/ref_seq.fa" reverse_reference="/path/to/reverse/ref_seq.fa">
  <instance_flags quality_control="BOOL" sequence_alignment="BOOL" atypical_realignment="BOOL" genotype_prediction="BOOL"/>
  <trim_flags trim_type="x" quality_threshold="x" adapter_flag="x" adapter="x" error_tolerance="x"/>
  <alignment_flags min_seed_length="x" band_width="x" seed_length_extension="x" skip_seed_with_occurrence="x" chain_drop="x" 
  seeded_chain_drop="x" seq_match_score="x" mismatch_penalty="x" indel_penalty="x" gap_extend_penalty="x" prime_clipping_penalty="x" 
  <prediction_flags plot_graphs="BOOL"/>

With each parameter data type/rule being as follows:

    data_dir: Must be a real path, with an even number of ONLY *.fastq or *.fq files within.
    forward_reference: Must be a real reference file (*.fasta, *.fa or *.fas).
    reverse_reference: See forward_reference.
    quality_control: Boolean, TRUE/FALSE
    sequence_alignment: Boolean, TRUE/FALSE
    atypical_realignment: Boolean, TRUE/FALSE
    genotype_prediction: Boolean, TRUE/FALSE
    trim_type: String, "Quality", "Adapter" or "Both"
    quality_threshold: Integer, within the range 0-38
    adapter_flag: String, one of: '-a','-g','-a$','-g^','-b'. ([See Cutadapt](http://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guide.html#removing-adapters))
    adapter: String, consisting of only 'A','T','G','C'
    error_tolerance: Float, within the range of 0.0 to 1.0 (in 0.01 increments).
    All flags present are direct equivalents of parameters present in BWA-MEM. 
    See [the BWA manual for more information](http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net/bwa.shtml).
    plot_graphs: Boolean, TRUE/FALSE


A brief overview of flags provided in the output is as follows:

SampleName:: The extracted filename of the sample that was processed.
Primary/Secondary GTYPE:: Allele genotype in the format CAG_x_y_CCG_z
Status:: Atypical or Typical structure
BSlippage:: Slippage ratio of allele's read peak ('N minus 2' to 'N minus 1)', over 'N'.
Somatic Mosaicism:: Mosaicism ratio of allele's read peak ('N plus 1' to 'N plus 10'), over 'N'
Confidence:: Confidence in genotype prediction (0-100).
Homozygous Haplotype:: If True, both alleles have an identical genotype.
Neighbouring Peaks:: If True, both alleles exist within the same CCG distribution, neighbouring each other.
Diminished Peaks:: If True, an expanded peak has very few reads and was detected independently. Manual inspection recommended.
Alignment Warning:: If True, determining the CCG value(s) returned more peaks than is 'possible'. Manual inspection recommended.
CCG Rewritten:: If True, CCG was rewritten from the derived value. (I.E. DSP over-wrote FOD results). Happens in atypical alleles (infrequent), or SVM failure (insanely rare).
CCG Zygosity Rewritten:: If True, a sample (aligned to a typical reference) that was heterozygous (CCG), was actually detected to be an atypical homozygous (CCG) sample. SVM derived zygosity overwritten.
Peak Inspection Warning:: If True, at least one allele failed inspection on the distribution data was derived from. (i.e. messy data -- infrequent in samples with low total read count).
SVM Failure:: If True, SVM CCG zygosity calling was incorrect, as a result of a poor confusion matrix forcing a brute force manual ratio check, which returned a different zygosity state. Manual inspection recommended.
Very low reads:: If True, this particular sample has very low (<1000) reads in at least one allele's target CCG distribution.