Learning to learn. What could happen if we can create machines which work like us. Plan to document this journey of what I learn
https://github.com/nitthilan/nitthilan.github.io https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet
- fastlane/fastlane#6203
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25151736/jekyll-2-2-0-error-address-already-in-use-bind2
- https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-your-github-pages-site-locally-with-jekyll/#step-4-build-your-local-jekyll-site
- http://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/
- https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/#overriding-theme-defaults
- bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --port 8000 --detach
- bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --port 8000 --detach
- pkill -f jekyll
- bundle exec jekyll build --watch => Autogeneration
- bundle exec jekyll build
- bundle exec jekyll build --drafts => to build drafts folder
git pull bundle exec jekyll build git add . git commit -m "New posts added" git push -u origin master
bundle update bundle install bundle exec jekyll build
pkill -f jekyll bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --port 8000 --incremental --detach bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --port 8000
alias run_rsync='rsync -azP --progress --stats /Users/kannappanjayakodinitthilan/Documents/myfolder/project_devan/aws_workspace/source/website/nitthilan.github.io njayakodi_dg@dg19b.eecs.wsu.edu:/local/data/nitthilan/source_code/website/'
run_rsync; fswatch -o /Users/kannappanjayakodinitthilan/Documents/myfolder/project_devan/aws_workspace/source/website/nitthilan.github.io/ | while read f; do run_rsync; done
Fix for ffi:
brew reinstall libffi
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --port 6006
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