Davidope I
This project is very much inspired by davidope's art https://www.instagram.com/dvdp/
It is an expiriment on stacking animation of rotation matrices together. It turned out to be more interesting then expected
// get required attributes
vector pos = v@P;
vector origin_offset = getbbox_center(1);
vector rot_axis = {0,1,0};
//find distance to pivot
float dist = distance(pos,origin_offset);
float falloff = fit(dist,chf('min_dist'),chf('max_dist'),0,1);
f@falloff = falloff;
falloff = chramp('falloff_remap',falloff);
//create a rotation matrix by the falloff
matrix rot = ident();
float rot_amp = falloff*chf('rotation_amp');
//rotate position using the rotation matrix
v@P = pos;
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