
Amazon Athena CLI and HTTP API for running athena SQL, exporting athena SQL to CSV, using CLI and HTTP.

Execute AWS Athena CLI to epost as CSV

$ echo select 1 | java -jar target/athena-cli.jar -s s3://my_bucket/athena-results/ -f SingleValue -e s3://my_bucket/export/athena/csv/to/ath_test.csv

This will export CSV to s3://my_bucket/export/athena/csv/to/ath_test.csv and will look for credentials using DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain, at Environment Variables, ~/.aws/credentials, and more.

If you want to use different profile use -c com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider -a profile-name or read on AWSCredentialsProvider.

to export as JSON

contribute and implement at

Get help on executing Amazon Athena CLI

$ java -jar target/athena-cli.jar

Missing required option: s
usage: Amazon Athena CLI
 -a,--aws_credentials_provider_arguments    Arguments for the
                                                 credentials provider
                                                 constructor as
                                                 comma-separated values.
 -c,--aws_credentials_provider_class        The credentials provider
                                                 class name, which
                                                 implements the
                                                 interface. The default is
 -e,--export_to_s3_file                     If provided, output will
                                                 be sent to S3 in an
                                                 performent way, by moving
                                                 the result file in
                                                 s3_staging_dir to the
                                                 provided s3 file key.
                                                 When provided the file
                                                 will bewritten at first
                                                 to temp subfolder inside
                                                 s3_staging_dir and will
                                                 be moved to
                                                 s3_output_file from
                                                 there. e.g.
                                                 ame.csv. The credetials
                                                 provided should be
                                                 permitted to write to
                                                 that fiel location.
 -f,--results_formatter                     Prints the result to
                                                 stdout and formats it. By
                                                 default it doesn't print
                                                 the result, this option
                                                 is faster, results are
                                                 saved in any case to S3
                                                 in s3_staging_dir. Choose
                                                 SingleValue in order just
                                                 to print the fist column
                                                 of the first row. TODO:
                                                 JSON, CSV and ASCII
 -h,--help                                       Shows this help message.
 -l,--log_path                              Local path of the Athena
                                                 JDBC driver logs. If no
                                                 log path is provided,
                                                 then no log files are
                                                 created. Default is
 -s,--s3_staging_dir                        The Amazon S3 location to
                                                 which your query output
                                                 is written. The JDBC
                                                 driver then asks Athena
                                                 to read the results and
                                                 provide rows of data back
                                                 to the user..
 -v,--log_level                             Log level of the Athena
                                                 JDBC driver logs. Valid
                                                 values: INFO, DEBUG,
                                                 WARN, ERROR, ALL, OFF,
                                                 FATAL, TRACE. Default is

How to start a web server

You can launch a microservice (secured only to you internal VPC becuase there is no athentication!) instead of using CLI.

$ java -jar target/athena-http-server.jar
[Thread-0] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @193ms
[Thread-0] INFO spark.embeddedserver.jetty.EmbeddedJettyServer - == Spark has ignited ...
[Thread-0] INFO spark.embeddedserver.jetty.EmbeddedJettyServer - >> Listening on
[Thread-0] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-9.3.z-SNAPSHOT
[Thread-0] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector - Started ServerConnector@5fde0aa0{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
[Thread-0] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - Started @341ms

Now do something like:

curl --request POST http://localhost:4567/athena_connector -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -F "sql=SELECT+1&s3_staging_dir=s3://my_bucket/athena-results/&export_to_s3_file=s3://my_bucket/export/athena/csv/to/ath_test.csv"

For more parameters see

How to Build Sources

mvn clean install

you wil need to google up how to install java and maven if you don't have it.

How to contribute

Whenever you want and however you want, everyone is welcomed.