
Primary LanguageVim Script

This is my dotfiles.

About it:

  • WM: i3-gaps
  • Panel: Polybar
  • Launcher: Rofi with slightly modified blor.theme (check rofi website)
  • Lockscreen: i3lock-color
  • Terminal/Panel font: Terminus
  • Terminal/Vim Colors: gruvbox



Wallpaper: got one here


I really got tired of flat cold colors of Arc-Dark back in Xubuntu, so I decided to went with something warm and colorful. This is what I came up with.

About Polybar theme: It uses underlines to indicate things you will be interested. So, if there is a Wi-Fi or LAN connection, it will highlight those. It will highlight battery if it is discharging or finished charging, and sound if there is any.

Polybar is wonderful, only shame is that it doesn't have taskbar (but now when I use i3, it's not a real shame, but polybar still needs some polish and bugfixes)