
JLaTeXMath for iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-C


JLaTeXMath for iOS

This project is a fork of original JLaTeXMath (http://forge.scilab.org/index.php/p/jlatexmath/), refacored to be used on iOS device. Converted by j2Objc.

##Include in your project

First, download j2Objc from http://j2objc.org/. Drag this project into your main app project.

###In Build Setting, Add "${your j2objc source folder path}/include" and to "User Header Search Path"
Add "${PROJECT_DIR}/JLaTeXMath-iOS" to "User Header Search Path", and choose recursive.
Add "${your j2objc source folder path}/lib" to "library search path"

###In Build Phase, Add libcucore.dylib, libz.1.2.5.dylib and Security.framework to "Link Binary With Libraries"
Add all files under cyrillic, fonts and greek to "Copy Bundle Resources"

##Usage Before using, set the platform dependent factory instance.

OrgScilabForgeJlatexmathPlatformFactoryProvider_set_INSTANCE_([[FactoryProvideriOS alloc] init]);

You can find the example in ViewController.m

##Screenshot Alt text