
Exercise solutions for Data Structures and Algorithms in Python(Michael T. Goodrich)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Jupyter notebook(in notebooks) and source code(in source_code)for exercises(Reinforcement and Creativity).

For convenient purposes, we give the link of the notebooks in nbviewer:

Chap1 Python Primer

Chap2 Object-Oriented Programming

Chap3 Algorithm Analysis

Chap4 Recursion

Chap5 Array-Based Sequences

Since Chap6, we build a local package pyds for convenience, which contains the data structures used in the textbook.

You can clone the repository to your PC then run `pip install -e pkg` in the folder to install the package `pyds` in development mode. Read pip' doc for more information. After that, we can use `import pyds` freely.

The pkg is moved to a new repo named ToyData, you can clone it and install locally. (When the project is finished, I will push it to pip and you can install it by pip directly.)

Chap6 Stacks&Queues&Deques

Chap7 Linked Lists