
Color Scheme generator for awesomeWM

Primary LanguagePython

Color Scheme Generator for AwesomeWM.


Mountain wallpaper

Galaxy wallpaper

Nasa Image wallpaper


Clone this repo under ~/.config/awesome/ and enter into this folder. Edit the file main.py and pass the wallpaper and theme path that you're gonna use.

Then run: python main.py


If you don't like the color scheme generated, you always can use the negative colors, changing the last parameter on the function cc.extractColors() from False to True

As the default theme.lua generates the wallpaper through a function, I do recommend you checking the way in which it sets the wallpaper in the file themeEditor.py to prevent any error.


python > 3.6
PIL (python library)

How it works?

Color Selection:

Here we use a K-means clustering for finding and selecting the colors from the image and return it sorted in an array.

Editing the theme:

Actually, it's very simple. Manually we pass the theme's variables to edit, and store it in an array according to it's contrast. For example: theme.bg_normal(the bar's color) and theme.fg_normal (the font's color) must contrast, we store theme.bg_normal on the first possition of the array and the theme.bg_normal on the last one. Then the whole array will be matched with the color's array and the theme file will be edited.