Exploring AI and Full Stack Development, continuously learning and creating innovative solutions.
New York
Pinned Repositories
A Java program for reading student data from a file, calculating average test grades, determining letter grades, and computing overall average grades. Utilizes OOP principles, file I/O operations, and grade calculation algorithms.
Java-based application for managing and processing climate and economic information for USA communities using a layered linked list structure. Features include CSV data import, efficient data management, and retrieval methods. Ideal for learning and applying OOP and linked lists.
CodeMom is a HackRU project aimed at helping beginners in coding and computer science. Utilizing NLP models, it provides personalized assistance through an interactive chatbot, dynamic React-based UI, backend integration, and comprehensive HTML resources.
A Java program for performing detailed forensic analysis on data files. Features data extraction, comprehensive analysis, and report generation. Utilizes OOP principles, file I/O operations, and advanced analysis algorithms.
A Java program for analyzing stop-and-frisk data from the NYPD. Features data import, organization, and statistical analysis to compare occurrences during and after policy implementation.
Java implementation of Conway's Game of Life showcasing skills in OOP, GUI development, and algorithmic logic. Features an interactive, customizable grid, real-time controls, generation tracking, and pattern loading. Utilizes arrays for grid management and custom libraries for rendering and file I/O operations.
A Java program for analyzing DNA sequences and identifying individuals based on Short Tandem Repeats (STRs). Features profile database creation, STR analysis, individual identification, and relationship detection.
A Java program for calculating employee payroll based on hours worked, hourly pay rate, and tax withholding rates. Features user input handling, gross pay calculation, tax withholding computation, and net pay determination.
Java-based restaurant management simulation involving menu, stock, transactions, and guest seating. Utilizes hash tables, linked lists, queues, and OOP principles. Features include menu and stock management, order processing, donations, and transaction recording.
nivasharmaa's Repositories
A Java program for reading student data from a file, calculating average test grades, determining letter grades, and computing overall average grades. Utilizes OOP principles, file I/O operations, and grade calculation algorithms.
Java-based application for managing and processing climate and economic information for USA communities using a layered linked list structure. Features include CSV data import, efficient data management, and retrieval methods. Ideal for learning and applying OOP and linked lists.
CodeMom is a HackRU project aimed at helping beginners in coding and computer science. Utilizing NLP models, it provides personalized assistance through an interactive chatbot, dynamic React-based UI, backend integration, and comprehensive HTML resources.
A Java program for performing detailed forensic analysis on data files. Features data extraction, comprehensive analysis, and report generation. Utilizes OOP principles, file I/O operations, and advanced analysis algorithms.
A Java program for analyzing stop-and-frisk data from the NYPD. Features data import, organization, and statistical analysis to compare occurrences during and after policy implementation.
Java implementation of Conway's Game of Life showcasing skills in OOP, GUI development, and algorithmic logic. Features an interactive, customizable grid, real-time controls, generation tracking, and pattern loading. Utilizes arrays for grid management and custom libraries for rendering and file I/O operations.
A Java program for analyzing DNA sequences and identifying individuals based on Short Tandem Repeats (STRs). Features profile database creation, STR analysis, individual identification, and relationship detection.
A Java program for calculating employee payroll based on hours worked, hourly pay rate, and tax withholding rates. Features user input handling, gross pay calculation, tax withholding computation, and net pay determination.
Java-based restaurant management simulation involving menu, stock, transactions, and guest seating. Utilizes hash tables, linked lists, queues, and OOP principles. Features include menu and stock management, order processing, donations, and transaction recording.
A Java program for determining whether a given string is a palindrome. Features user input handling, case insensitivity, and ignores spaces and punctuation.
A Python-based Personal Finance Tracking Automator that simplifies managing finances by automating expense tracking, budget management, and generating financial reports. Features include customizable alerts and secure data management using Python, APIs, and libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib.
SmartTax Pro is an advanced Java program for accurately computing income tax based on user input for filing status and taxable income. Features dynamic user input handling, sophisticated tax calculation according to U.S. federal tax brackets, and robust error handling.
A comprehensive Java program for analyzing and managing events and data points within a fictional spiderverse. Features event handling, anomaly detection, cluster management, and robust file I/O operations.