
Binary neural networks playing in a 2D world

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Neural World

Binary neural networks playing in a 2D world, implemented in Python and Answer Set Programming.


Each individual in the simulated world have a Binary Neural Networks (see after for details), and an amount of energy. The BNN gives, for each configuration of the moore neighbors, a direction of propagation, allowing individuals to move according to the configuration of their immediate environnement.

Another element, nutrients, appears randomly in the world, and can be consummed by individuals for get some energy. Detection of nutrients and other individuals is perform through the BNN, so a good BNN can lead to smart reactions to environnement composition.

As the BNN are generated randomly and randomly mutated when they divides themselves, the individuals are under evolution. Moreover, individuals, when they reach 0 of energy, dies and disappears. Here is for the selection.


Simpler way to use Neural World currently is:


It will show a little world with some life in it, then ask you something to do through a basical prompt. (type help for help)

Once you have failed to do something useful with that, you can:

  • see the logs, in neural_world/logs/, because you love the logs;
  • see the archives of your run, in neural_world/archives/, and look at all the graphs generated representing the neural networks in png;
  • see the ASP code in neural_world/asp/, and notice the ridiculous number of LOC necessary for play with BNN;
  • look at the neural_world/actions.py source file. Its high-level and give a good look to the global program actions;
  • look at the neural_world/engine.py source file, where the main loop of step is designed;
  • look at the neural_world/main.py source file, where global behavior of the program is defined (see next steps part);
  • look at the neural_world/neural_network.py source file, where all the neurons logic, in term of simulation, is implemented;
  • look at the neural_world/neural_network_engine.py source file, where all the core logic about BNN is implemented;
  • create your own observer, that do lots of things (opengl representation, real-time statistical analysis,…);

Soon, an individual-centered mode will be implemented:

make indiv


Are Generated archives for each run performed, thanks to the Archivist observer of World. By default, the Archivist directly compiles dot data through pygraphviz module, and render all graphs in dedicated PNG pictures. This behavior can be changed, in order to get a quicker simulation computation, with the command line interface.


First, some Python modules need to be installed, including docopt, pyasp, prompt-toolkit and pygraphviz:

pip install -r requirements

Next steps


  • basic unit tests about the solving, the logic part and some details;
  • memory implementation (each individual have its own memory, and can play with it);
  • refactorize neural network, encapsulate properly the input/output logic;
  • input neurons: neighbors, memory, energy level;
  • input neurons: communication;
  • output neurons: movement, replication, memory;
  • output neurons: sexual reproduction (need ACCC usage);
  • neural networks can be mutated during live, through mutagen spreading;
  • space: gradients of nutrient regen, mutagen agent;
  • some places in the space could kill/damage individuals, except if individual is in a particular mode (given by an output neuron);
  • basic unit tests about the Individual class;
  • use ACCC for create neural networks and perform the mutations;
  • CLI: automatically creat neural network rendering;
  • more iterative boot sequence: new individuals spawns on a regular basis instead of fixed number when no remaining individiual;
  • rewrite the main for support user configurations and embedding;
  • do something cool with the Nutrient concept (game of life populating ? Evolution capabilities ?);
  • improve genealogic tree outputs: print a real phylogenetic tree;

Individual Simulation

  • basical prompt for modifying parameters and BNN;
  • visualization of the BNN through tergraw;
  • visualization and modification of neighborood;
  • visualization and modification of memory;

Binary Neural Networks definition

Binary neural networks have three group of neurons:

  • input neurons, two per neighbor square in the simulated world, one for each memory address,….
  • output neurons, four, one for each expected output value (movement, memory,…).
  • intermediate neurons, variable in number and type, can be considered as logical gates (XOR, AND, NOT, OR).

Moreover, there is edges between neurons that perform the signal linking.

When an output neuron is in up state, the associated direction will be used for determine how the individual will behave (memory change, moving,…).

The network resolution is performed through Answer Set Programming and particularly the pyasp module, that perform the interface between Python and ASP. See installation part for details and help. Note that the network is never stocked by Python in other way than strings containing atoms, as all treatments on the networks are perform with ASP.


  • Individual: life unit, that have a NeuralNetwork and energy.
  • NeuralNetworkEngine: definition of BNN, with all the associated primitives.
  • NeuralNetwork: usage of BNN, with all the input/output behavior.
  • Direction: enumeration highly giving the four directions in a 2D world.
  • NeuronType: enumeration of the 5 types of neurons, which are Input, Xor, And, Not and Or, abbreviated IXANO.
  • Incubator: factory of individuals.
  • Mutator: modifier of NeuralNetwork property.
  • Actions: commands created by individuals, GUI and even commands, applicated later by the engine on the world.
  • World: built on top of the space definition, provides a complete API for modify the simulation.
  • Engine: invoker of commands on the world.
  • WorldView: observer of world, printing things in the terminal.