
front-end for parallel rsync

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

qsplit -- creates manifest files for parallel rsync and other scenarios

The qsplit utility is used to move data from a qumulo cluster by using Qumulo dir aggregates/REST API

Example usage:

./qsplit.py --host music --buckets 4 /media/

Qsplit uses the read_dir_aggregates API to build a list of paths (in ~ log(n) time) that can be piped to rsync in order to optimize a migration from a qumulo cluster to another disk target.

robocopy option

qsplit.py now also offers a --robocopy (or -r) option for Windows environments which writes out file specs using backslashes rather than forward slashes:

./qsplit.py -r --host music /media/ --buckets 4


  • divide a qumulo cluster into N equal partitions. A partition is a list of paths. The partitioning is based on the block count, which is obtained from fs_read_dir_aggregates

  • feed each partition to an rsync client

As an example, I run the command like this:

./qsplit.py --host music /music/ --buckets 4

This will create four 'bucket files' for host 'music' and path '/music/': a bucket is a list of filepaths using naming convention


where 'n' is # from 1..[# of buckets specified, above it is four]

If you do not specify a '--buckets' param it will create a single bucket with all of the filepaths for the specified source and path.

Once the files are created you can copy them to different machines/NICs to perform rsyncs (or robocopies) in parallel. You could also run the rsyncs on a single machine with separate processes but you'd likely bury the machine NIC with traffic that way. So one way to use these manifests is:

  1. Copy the results of qsplit/ text files to somewhere client machines can resolve them
  2. ssh to [n] different client machines with separate NICs
  3. Mount the cluster [src] and [dest] on each machine
  4. On each machine run rsync in the following fashion:

rsync -av -r --files-from=qsync_[YYYYMMDDHHMM]_bucket[n].txt [src qumulo cluster mount] [target cluster mount]

NOTE that the file paths in the bucket text files are all relative to the path specified when running qsplit so if you created filepaths for '/music/' then that should be your [src cluster mount] point so that the relative filepaths can resolve.

Using the above approach you should see a significant performance improvement over running rsync in the traditional way:

rsync -av -r [src] [dest]

The performance should be better for two reasons:

  1. No file crawl needed by rsync because we're passing a filespsec in --files-from
  2. running multiple instances of rsync in parallel

In addition by running each instance on a different client machine we avoid burying the NIC for a single machine and keep things nice and busy/active.


  • Python 2.7

if you're developing on a current version of Mac OSX, you should already have a 2.7 version of python. you can check which version of python you have by opening a command promopt and typing

python -V

To install Python 2.7 please visit the Python Software Foundation Download Page and select the most current version (at time of writing it is version 2.7.10)

2. Install the Qumulo REST API Python Wrapper library

Navigate to the folder where you installed qsplit locally, and run

  pip install -r requirements.txt

You can verify that you have the Qumulo REST API installed by running the following command at a command prompt:

  pip list

You should see something like the following output:

astroid (1.3.8)
logilab-common (1.1.0)
nose (1.3.7)
pip (7.1.2)
pylint (1.4.4)
qumulo-api (1.2.14)
setuptools (17.0)
six (1.10.0)
wheel (0.24.0)