
⏲ Await until an object initialises before using it.

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ensure_initialized pub version

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Sometimes objects may perform long initialization or preparation before they can be used. This package allows to await for initialization and ensure that an object is ready to use.


Add the EnsureInitializedMixin mixin to a class:

class YourObject with EnsureInitializedMixin {
  /* Body */

Now you can await for your object initialization:

final object = YourObject();

await object.ensureInitialized;


If your initialization has some output value, you can use EnsureInitializedResultMixin<T>:

class YourObjectWithResult with EnsureInitializedResultMixin<int> {
  /* Body */

final objectWithResult = YourObjectWithResult();

final result = await objectWithResult.ensureInitialized;


You can also check whether your object was already initialized by reading the isInitialized property:

final object = YourObject();

print(object.isInitialized); // false

await object.init(); // object method that calls `initializedSuccessfully` under the hood

print(object.isInitialized); // true

Successful Initialization

ensureInitialized will be released after you call either initializedSuccessfully. Do it in your heavy initialization method:

class YourObject with EnsureInitializedMixin {
  Future<void> init() async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3));


If you use EnsureInitializedResultMixin<T>, you must pass a value of type T to the call:


This value will be returned by the ensureInitialized:

final result = await objectWithResult.ensureInitialized;
print(result); // prints 5

Initialization Failure

To mark that the object has failed to initialize, call initializedWithError. It can take a message, an exception and a stacktrace.

Note: you can either use a message or an exception. You'll get an assertion error in debug otherwise.

Future<void> init() async {
  try {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3));
  } on Exception catch (e, s) {
    initializedWithError(error: e, stackTrace: s);
    // Or use message: initializedWithError(message: e.toString(), stackTrace: s);

So ensureInitialized may throw the specified exception. It could be used as following:

try {
  await object.ensureInitialized;
  /* Do the happy path */
} on Exception catch (e ,s) {
  /* Log it and do the unhappy path */

Note that calling initializedWithError also turns isInitialized to true.


There are whenInitialized and whenUninitialized streams that will raise an event when the object is initialized and uninitialized (later on about the latter):

object.whenInitialized.listen((_) {
  print('My object was initialized!');

It can also be used with the result mixin. Then the event will be the result of initialization:

objectWithResult.whenInitialized.listen((result) {
  print('My object was initialized with $result!');

whenInitialized is fired any time initializedSuccessfully or initializedWithError are called. If the object was initialized with an error, this error will be added to the stream as well.

whenUninitialized is fired any time the object is marked as uninitialized.


Sometimes it is needed to reinit an object. For instance, some service relies on the user service, that relies on what user is currently signed in. You can call markAsUninitialized to point that the object is not ready to be used again.

class UserService with EnsureInitializedMixin {
  Future signIn(credentials) async {
    /* Do sign in */
  Future signOut() async {
    /* Do sign out */

Now, if you call signOut, the object will return to its initial state: isInitialized will be false and ensureInitialized will again be awaitable. It will also fire the whenUninitialized event.

So now we can get notified about this in another service:

class ServiceThatReliesOnUserService with EnsureInitializedMixin {
  final UserService userService;
  late final StreamSubscription _onInitializedSubscription;
  late final StreamSubscription _onUninitializedSubscription;
  ServiceThatReliesOnUserService(this.userService) {
  void _init() {
    _onInitializedSubscription = userService.whenInitialized.listen(_whenUserServiceInitialized);
    _onUninitializedSubscription = userService.whenUninitialized.listen(_whenUserServiceUninitialized);
  void _whenUserServiceInitialized(_) {
    /* Do something with userService */
  void _whenUserServiceUninitialized(_) {
  void dispose() {

We can build chains with objects that rely on each other. Don'get overwhelmed, though!

Alternatively, you can use a reinitialize method that takes a future as a parameter. The object will be marked as uninitialized before the future starts and will be marked as initialized after it completes.

Future reinitMe() {
  return reinitialize(() => Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3)));

Note: if any exception occur, reinitialize will rethrow it. It also takes a flag callInitializedWithErrorOnException that indicates whether to call initializedWithError on exception.