
Simple PowerShell utility for serializing and de-serializing objects to and from Markdown tables

Primary LanguagePowerShell



Simple utility module for serializing and de-serializing PowerShell objects - specifically, arrays of hash tables - into Markdown tables.

In other words:

  1. converting Markdown tables (input as a string or array of strings) to PowerShell objects
  2. converting PowerShell objects into Markdown tables

Inspired by PowerShell's native ConvertFrom-Json and ConvertTo-Json functions.


To test module functionality, pull down the repo and run ./Test-Module.ps1 from the repo directory. It will convert the data in test-data.json into a Markdown table (output as a string), then convert the data in test-data.md into PowerShell objects (and pretty print them as a table).

Potential Improvements

  • Input Validation (partially implemented on ConvertFrom-MdTable)