
.sh script for fetching and updating Golang.

Primary LanguageShellISC LicenseISC

      _,,_,*^____      _____``*g*\"*,
     / __/ /'     ^.  /      \ ^@q   f
    [  @f | @))    |  | @))   l  0 _/
     \`/   \~____ / __ \_____/    \
      |           _l__l_           I
      }          [______]           I
      ]            | | |            |
      ]           __~ ~             |__
  ___ ____  ___  / /  ___ ____  ___ / /
 / _ `/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ -_) __/ (_-</ _ \
 \_, /\___/ .__/_//_/\__/_/ (_)___/_//_/
/___/    /_/

Installation & Usage

Clone this repository and run script by typing:

$ ./gopher

There are is an option to run script immediately using curl/wget:

$ bash <(curl -fsSL git.io/gopher.raw)
$ bash <(wget -qO- git.io/gopher.raw)


    If run locally:     $ gopher [options]
    If using curl/wget: $ bash <(...) [options]

For more information use: gopher help