
XRPL Observer - A real-time visualization of the XRP Ledger

Primary LanguageClojure

XRPL Observer

XRPL Observer is a real-time visualization of the XRP Ledger (XRPL). Watch it live on http://observer.xrpldata.com

Credits to @LedgerObserver (Simon Härer) on twitter for creating this awesome project. I am very sad that it was discontinued.

It is written in clojurescript using reacl (pure and truly composable clojurescript react library), three.js & ngraph.

Getting started

To start the application in development mode, clone this repository, change to its folder and type the following:

npm install 
npx webpack
lein build-dev

To compile the application for producation, type the following:

npm install 
npx webpack
lein build-prod