
A sudoku solver in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

A Study in Sudoku

This is a port to kotlin of the original Norvig solver written in python.

Throughout this program we have:

  • r is a row, e.g. "A"
  • c is a column, e.g. "3"
  • s is a square, e.g. "A3"
  • d is a digit, e.g. "9"
  • u is a unit, e.g. ["A1","B1","C1","D1","E1","F1","G1","H1","I1"]
  • grid is a grid, e.g. 81 non-blank chars, e.g. starting with ".18...7...
  • values is a map of possible values, e.g. {"A1":"12349", "A2":"8", ...}

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