
Master Thesis RESTful standalone SpringBoot project used to create bookshop store for testing performances and resource consumption by simulating use of multiple users sending basic HTTP (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE) requests,

Primary LanguageJava

Master Thesis project in SpringBoot framework

Online bookshop RESTful web application built in SpringBoot framework for testing RESTful methods for their performances and resource consumption as part of my Master Thesis. This app uses:

  • Hibernate ORM for data mapping
  • Spring Data JPA for data querying
  • Postgres 11 DB
  • ProjectLombok for reducing boiler-plate code
  • MapStruct for quick bi-directional conversion of DTO and Model classes
  • Liquibase for data migration
  • Micrometer Metrics for exposing needed metrics via JMX

How to launch app

  1. First, in order for application to be able to be run, create sb_app_db_ver2 databasein your DB tool (such as pgAdmin4, DBeaver, DataGrip, etc.)
  2. Make sure that all parameters for database access (database name, db username, password, etc.) located in application.properties file are properly set
  3. Change location in your terminal to be inside of "SpringBootMasterThesis" project
  4. Run mvn clean package command in terminal (Linux)
  5. Run mvn spring-boot:run in terminal (Linux) or via by executing main method of SpringBootMasterThesisApplication.java class in your IDE.

REST API endpoints

Here are some API endpoints to target (using Postman or similar tool) including some JSON bodies for HTTP Request:

GET methods

Get single Author with id=1 http://localhost:8080/api/authors/1
Get all Categories http://localhost:8080/api/categories
Get single Bookhttp://localhost:8080/api/books/1

POST methods

Create Author http://localhost:8080/api/authors

	"firstName": "Franz",
	"lastName": "Kafka"

Create Category http://localhost:8080/api/categories

	"name" : "Crime",
	"isDeleted": false

Create Book http://localhost:8080/api/books

	"title": "The Trial",
	"price": 15.50,
	"amount": 300,
	"isDeleted": false,
	"authors": [1],
	"categories": [1]

Create Order http://localhost:8080/api/orders?username=mica NOTE: In order this method to work user table must contain a row with column username that has a value 'mica'.
JSON Body:

    "orders": [
            "bookId": 1,
            "amount": 4
    "totalPrice": 62.00

PUT and DELETE methods

Endpoints are same like in GET method section and you need to change same JSON body yourself by following format from POST methods section (JSON bodies are of course for PUT methods)