
Golang wrapper for RabbitMQ

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


The wrapper provides convenient access to the RabbitMQ from applications written in Golang language.

This module allows you to get rid of code duplication from services using RabbitMQ.

It includes predefined configs, you can use them with minimum code in your source code.

Although this module has structures for custom configs and the methods for using them, so it doesn't limit you.

How to use

Init credentials:

    credentials := config.NewCredentials{
    // or
    credentials := config.NewEnvCredentials()

Create connection and channel:

    con := connection.Connection{}
    ch := channel.Channel{}
    err := con.ConnectByCredentials(credentials)
    if err != nil {
        // handle error
    err = ch.Create(con.GetConnector())
    if err != nil {
        // handle error

Configure channel:

    _ = ch.GetChannel().Qos(1, 0, false)
    _ = ch.QueueDeclare("queueName")
    _ = ch.ExchangeDeclare()
    _ = ch.BindQueue()

Start consume:

    stream, err := ch.Consume()
    if err != nil {
        // handle error ...

    for d := range stream {
        // handle messages ...

Publish message:

    data := amqp.Publishing{
    	ContentType: "text/plain",
    	Body:        []byte("message"),

    err := ch.Publish(data)
    // or with params
    err := ch.PublishWithParams(
        false, // mandatory 
        false, // immediate 
    if err != nil {
        // handle error ...

Close connection and channel:

    _ = ch.Close()
    _ = con.Close()

Create custom configs:

    qc := config.QueueConfig{...}
    ec := config.ExchangeConfig{...}
    bqc := config.BindQueueConfig{...}
    cc := config.ConsumerConfig{...}

Take methods below for using your configs:

    err := ch.QueueDeclareByConfig(qc)
    err := ch.ExchangeDeclareByConfig(ec)
    err := ch.BindQueueByConfig(bqc)
    err := ch.ConsumeByConfig(cc)


The project is developed by NIX Solutions Go team and distributed under MIT LICENSE